ACG Zone K Visits Enugu State Command..Tasks Officers And Men To Avoid Acts Inimical To Their Profession  }{ The Scoper Media 


     The Assistant Commandant General of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps,(NSCDC) in charge of Zone K Command, Awka, ACG Solomon T. Iyamu fsi , has advised officers and men under his command to cultivate a good working relationship with the Civil populace , be disciplined and perform their statutory responsibilities in conformity to the laid down rules.

ACG Iyamu stated this on Tuesday when he paid a familiarization visit to Enugu State Command to interact with Officers and men for effective and efficient job delivery.

While urging the personnel to desist from actions inimical to their profession, the ACG commended the officers and men of the Enugu command for their efforts, which he said was in line with the mission and vision of the Commandant-General of NSCDC, Ahmed Abubakar Audi, mni, OFR .

” I want to commend Enugu State Command on your performance so far. I am here to convey the greetings of our Commandant General, Dr. Ahmed Audi, mni, OFR and to encourage you to uphold the dignity the Corps is known for. Please shun acts capable of tarnishing the image of the Corps in your dealings with members of the Public, be dedicated to you duties , avoid overzealousness and intimidation of innocent citizens. The Commandant General is not unmindful of your achievements, please keep it up” he concluded.

Iyamu further advised newly recruited personnel of the Corps undergoing training to be good ambassadors of the country, saying that Nigerians were looking up to them for their youthful and energetic strength to reposition the Corps.

Similarly, he appealed for the cooperation of members of the public emphasizing that security is everyone’s business.

“We all must collaborate and cooperate to achieve our desires for a safe and secure environment. If the public cooperate with the NSCDC and provide us with credible information, the criminals would find it difficult to operate.” he said.


Public Relations Officer
NSCDC Anambra State Command

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