AHEAD OF TIME: How Primate Ayodele Predicted Trump’s Legal Battles With Uncanny Precision +VIDEOS 🎊 The Scoper Media


Renowned Nigerian prophet, Primate Elijah Ayodele of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, reaffirms his status as a remarkably accurate prophet, as his prophecies regarding the legal challenges of former US President Donald Trump come to fruition. With a track record of foresight, Primate Ayodele’s insights continue to captivate believers worldwide.

In a landmark ruling, a New York jury has made history by convicting former US President Donald Trump on 34 counts related to falsifying business records for election fraud. This unprecedented verdict marks the first criminal conviction of a former US president, cementing a significant chapter in legal and political annals.

In a political whirlwind, the former president faces sentencing on July 11th, just days before the grand stage of the Republican National Convention commences on July 15th, where Trump’s formal nomination for president looms. It’s a convergence of legal consequences and political ambition, shaping the narrative of the nation’s future.

As Donald Trump’s presidency came to a close, Primate Ayodele foretold a turbulent future, predicting legal battles awaiting the ex-president post-office. It was a prophetic whisper echoing through the corridors of power, leaving speculation swirling as to what lay ahead for the polarizing politician. With each passing day, the prophecy loomed larger, casting a shadow over Trump’s legacy and sparking intense scrutiny of his every move. As the pages of history turned, the stage was set for a legal drama of unprecedented proportions, with the eyes of the world fixed firmly on the fate of one of the most divisive figures in modern politics.

In a surprising revelation, it was disclosed that upon exiting government, Donald Trump would face a deluge of legal battles, tarnishing his reputation

These were his words

“Donald Trump will face some legal challenges that will disgrace him when he leaves government. This is why He is yet to accept defeat.”

In 2020, a prophetic figure foretold legal battles for a former POTUS, echoing subsequent predictions of legal woes entangling the politician’s 2024 presidential aspirations. This ongoing narrative of legal entanglements provided a riveting backdrop to the unfolding drama surrounding the prominent figure’s political ambitions.

In one of his prophetic visions, Primate Ayodele foresaw obstacles emerging to impede Donald Trump’s bid for the 2024 election through legal avenues. Amidst swirling political currents, his divination hinted at a tumultuous struggle where legal challenges would be wielded as weapons in the battle for power. As the stage for the election drama unfolded, the prophecy added a layer of intrigue, suggesting a clash of wills and legal minds, shaping the narrative of American politics in unforeseen ways.

These were his words:

‘’……Trump still needs prayers because they want to really battle him to stop him from contesting in the election…… There are laws and steps they will use to kick against him’’

In yet another forewarning, Primate Ayodele cautioned Trump to overhaul his strategy to prevent his political aspirations from being dismantled through legal maneuvers by his adversaries.

These were his words:

‘’Trump needs to restrategize otherwise his political ambition will suffer a bit of setback. He needs to be very firm and careful so that his political intentions will not be crumbled by legal matters which can put an end to his ambition.’’

In his prophetic words unveiled in December 2023, Primate Ayodele foretold a gripping narrative: the ruling party in the USA, gripped by fear, would maneuver tirelessly to bar Donald Trump from the upcoming election, recognizing him as a formidable adversary. This revelation echoed through the corridors of power, stirring intrigue and speculation as the nation braced for a tumultuous political saga

These were his words:

‘’The ruling party in the United States of America will want to disqualify Donald Trump from contesting the coming Election because he will be a threat and the government will find a way to fight him, I foresee that if things continue this way, disqualification is staring Trump in the face in this coming election. Donald trump will be a threat to the ruling party’’

In 2020, Primate Ayodele stood firm in his predictions, forewarning of legal storms on the horizon for Donald Trump, long before any petitions surfaced. With unwavering conviction, he painted a picture of impending legal battles, a narrative that would soon unfold with remarkable accuracy. His foresight pierced through the political haze, a testament to his profound insight and unwavering commitment to truth-telling.

Donald Trump’s legal saga has been dubbed unprecedented, marking a historic departure from tradition as no former U.S. president has ever faced conviction. His legal battles have carved a unique chapter in American political history, igniting debates and scrutiny unlike any before.

Conclusively, in the realm of prophecy, Primate Ayodele stood as a singular voice, foreseeing the unlikely ascension of Donald Trump to the presidency while the Democratic Party held sway. Yet, his visions didn’t end there; he also anticipated Trump’s unexpected defeat at the hands of Joe Biden in 2020. With uncanny foresight, he navigated the turbulent currents of political destiny, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of future events.