APRA Extends Condolences To Kenya, Advocates For Peace And Unity 🎊 The Scoper Media 

The African Public Relations Association (APRA) executive council and members have extended their heartfelt condolences to the people of Kenya amidst the ongoing crisis in the East African nation. Expressing their solidarity, APRA highlighted their deep concern for the affected communities and emphasized the importance of unity and support during these challenging times.

In a press statement released by Dr. Omoniyi Ibietan, the Secretary-General, and disseminated through The Scoper Media, the association called on the Kenyan government to prioritize the welfare of its citizens. They encouraged the government to engage in genuine dialogue, as indicated by the Presidency, and to conduct stakeholder consultations with empathy and a commitment to reconciliation.

The statement in part further reads, “We commiserate with the families of those who died and wish a speedy recovery to those injured during the protests. We fervently pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased.”

The association also said it stands in solidarity with its PR colleagues in the region: “We stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK).”

Amid growing unrest in Nairobi, Kenyans have mounted dramatic protests against the now withdrawn Finance Bill, which proposed a significant tax increase. Passed after its third and final reading, the bill ignited public outrage, leading to mass demonstrations last Tuesday. Citizens took to the streets in a fervent bid to prevent the bill from becoming law, highlighting the intense opposition and political tension surrounding the proposed tax hikes.

Kenyan President William Ruto has condemned the ongoing protests against tax hikes, labeling them as “treasonous.” He warned that the initially peaceful campaign has been overtaken by malicious actors with dangerous intentions, escalating the situation beyond its original scope.

 In a dramatic escalation of unrest, Kenyan police clashed with hundreds of demonstrators attempting to storm Parliament House in Nairobi on Tuesday. The confrontation, sparked by widespread anger over contentious tax reforms, turned deadly as officers resorted to live ammunition, resulting in multiple fatalities and injuries. The protests, which have been building in intensity, reflect deep-seated public discontent and have plunged the nation into turmoil.

On Wednesday, the Kenya Human Rights Commission reported a tragic surge in violence following the passage of a highly controversial bill by lawmakers after its third and final reading. The unrest resulted in 23 fatalities across the country. The Commission also documented 50 arrests, 22 abductions, and over 300 injuries, painting a grim picture of the turmoil that ensued.