CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: Foods And Drinks You Should Avoid Consuming Excessively √√ The Scoper Media


The kidney is in charge of filtering and eradicating waste products from the foods we consume. As a result, when it malfunctions or is infected, the results can be disastrous, especially if medical attention is delayed.

According to ClevelandClinic, one of the conditions that may damage the kidney is chronic kidney disease, which is defined as a progressive decline in renal function or the ability of the kidney to carry out its role. The body thus builds up dangerous amounts of wastes, liquids, and electrolytes as well as the effects of this buildup.

Consequences frequently manifest as symptoms, which might not show up until a condition has grown to a serious level. Some of the symptoms of the disorder include nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, exhaustion, increased or decreased urine, swelling in the feet and ankles, shortness of breath owing to fluid accumulation in the lungs, and chest pain.

Since there is no known cure, treatment focuses on keeping the condition from worsening to the potentially fatal end-stage of renal failure, which frequently calls for dialysis or a kidney transplant. On the other side, managing it typically revolves around avoiding specific lifestyle patterns, such as eating. Some foods and drinks to limit include:



People with chronic renal disease are typically advised to limit their intake of these foods because the body cannot effectively eliminate excess salt, potassium, or phosphorus when the condition develops. Yet, since bananas are among the foods high in potassium, they should be avoided.



Potassium, phosphorus, and protein are abundant in dairy milk and other dairy products. They frequently have an impact on the bone health of people with chronic renal disease because high blood phosphorus levels cause the bones to lose calcium and become brittle.



While having a high vitamin C concentration, oranges and orange juice are also high in potassium, making them inappropriate for those with chronic kidney disease. So, such individuals should stay away from oranges and orange juice and consume grapes and apples instead.



Processed meats like bacon, sausage, and hotdogs are high in salt and protein because they need to be preserved and improved in flavour, according to WebMD. Those with chronic renal illness should avoid these foods since their bodies can’t excrete salt from them.



Another fruit with a high potassium content is the tomato, which may not be suitable for people with chronic renal disease. Because of the potential for a buildup of potassium in the body and the negative effects it may have on the body, those people must avoid eating a lot of tomatoes.

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