Court Sentences 8 Crossdressers To Three Months In Jail  }{ The Scoper Media 


A Sharia Court of the Kano Hisbah Board has sentenced eight crossdressers to three months in prison and ten lashes each for indecent dresses and dancing like women in public.

The Sharia Court had already carried out the public open beatings of the convicts according to Islamic laws at the premises of the Hisbah Board, on Tuesday.

The convicts who were dancing at the wedding ceremony of one of their leaders in Kano were said to have been dressed in female outfits, which caught the attention of the public and created an uproar.

The Presiding Sharia Court Judge, Mallam Sani Tamim Sani Hausawa, after reading out the relevant laws to the culprits found them guilty of all the charges and sentenced them to three months in prison or fines of N10,000 each, plus ten lashes each.

The culprits pleaded guilty to the charges read against them and asked for forgiveness with a promise not to repeat the crime.

The state acting Commander of the Hisbah Board, Mujahideen Aminu Abubakar, thanked the Judge and promised to sustain the tempo of the fight against indecency in the state

Daily Post

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