DIVINE INSIGHT: How Primate Ayodele’s Prophecies Impact Nigerian Sports Outcomes 🎊 The Scoper Media 


Historically, football and faith were seen as separate realms, with many believing that God had no role in sports. This perspective prevailed until Nigerian prophet Primate Ayodele challenged this notion. Through his influence and actions, he demonstrated a profound connection between spirituality and football, bridging the gap between the two and proving that faith can indeed play a significant role in the world of sports.

Primate Ayodele, the esteemed leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, stands out in the prophetic ministry with his expansive range of prophecies. Unlike his peers, he delves into a multitude of sectors, including education, government, politics, religion, traditional institutions, and sports. His comprehensive visions touch upon various aspects of society, making him a unique and influential voice in the prophetic community.

Renowned for his uncanny predictions, he has accurately foretold events in various sports, including football, boxing, and wrestling. Over time, many of his prophecies in these areas have astonishingly come true.

In the realm of Nigerian football, Primate Ayodele stands out as the singular prophetic voice renowned for his accurate divine revelations. He is celebrated for providing insightful counsel and prophecies concerning coaches, players, NFF presidents, and various tournaments. His consistent and precise forecasts have earned him a unique and respected position within the football community.

Ibrahim Gusau, the current president of the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF), has forged a remarkable alliance with a renowned prophet whose influence is deeply respected within the football community. Despite Gusau being a Muslim, this relationship blossomed after the prophet astonishingly predicted his rise to the presidency, a role Gusau had not even intended to pursue at the time. This prophetic foresight has cemented the prophet’s status among football stakeholders and underscores the profound impact of his guidance in the realm of Nigerian football.

Primate Ayodele is renowned for his unwavering honesty in his prophecies, speaking only what he believes he has received from heaven, regardless of his relationship with the person involved. This steadfastness was evident when he warned the NFF president ahead of the last AFCON, predicting the Super Eagles’ disappointing loss. More recently, he expressed concerns over the selection of Finidi George as the team’s coach, demonstrating once again his commitment to truth over appeasement

During his annual thanksgiving event in 2023, Primate Ayodele offered an inspiring prediction to the Nigerian football community. Addressing the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) president, who was present at the celebration, Ayodele confidently declared that the Super Eagles would advance to the final stage of the African Cup of Nations (AFCON). He emphasized that with proper attention to guidance and strategy, Nigeria possesses all the necessary talent and potential to claim the coveted trophy. This bold assurance sparked hope and excitement among fans and officials alike, as they envisioned the Super Eagles’ path to glory.

He urged the federation to replace the coach and cautioned against including certain players in the tournament lineup. Sadly, his advice was ignored, leading to a heartbreaking loss in the finals and costing the country the victory they had desperately sought.

In a viral video, Primate Ayodele expressed grave concerns about the future of Nigerian football under the potential leadership of former Super Eagles player Finidi George. The cleric predicted that Finidi George’s tenure would be catastrophic, foreseeing it as a period that would plunge the nation’s football into disarray. Primate Ayodele emphasized that choosing Finidi George would lead to a disastrous administration, ultimately harming the progress and integrity of Nigerian football.

Before Finidi George’s debut in a significant match, Primate Ayodele’s prophetic revelations surfaced. Astonishingly, Ayodele’s prediction manifested during Finidi George’s inaugural major outing, precipitating his abrupt resignation and marking one of Nigeria’s briefest administrations.

Primate Ayodele’s prophetic gifts extend far beyond the Super Eagles, delving deep into the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). His predictions for the recently concluded 2023/2024 season have proven remarkably accurate, cementing his reputation as a seer of footballing fortunes. His insights into NPFL outcomes continue to astonish, capturing the imagination of fans and players alike with their uncanny precision.

In November 2023, he gazed into the crystal ball, foreseeing the destinies of clubs like Abia Warriors and Doma FC. With an uncanny insight, he painted a vivid tapestry of triumphs and trials that would shape their seasons, weaving a tale of anticipation and uncertainty that captivated the football world. His prophetic words echoed through stadiums and boardrooms alike, leaving fans and officials alike pondering the mysteries of the beautiful game’s future

In a surprising revelation, Primate Ayodele has foreseen a challenging season ahead for Abia Warriors, predicting they will fall short of securing the top three positions. Conversely, his visions are equally bleak for Doma FC, foreseeing a disappointing campaign awaiting them. These divinations cast a shadow of uncertainty over the upcoming season, leaving fans and analysts alike pondering the implications of his prophetic insights.



‘’Abia warriors might not be able to make 1st to 3rd in this season.’’

‘Doma FC will not have a good outing this season. They will have a series of troubles, confusion and they need to be careful.’

In a dramatic twist of fate on the football pitch, Abia Warriors claimed the 12th spot, solidifying their season with resilience and skill. Meanwhile, forlorn echoes reverberated through Doma FC as they faced the bitter sting of relegation, their dreams dashed on the unforgiving battleground of the league. Each team’s tale etched a new chapter in the annals of Nigerian football, where triumph and despair intertwined amidst the passion and fervor of the beautiful game.

In conclusion however, Primate Ayodele, drawing from his lineage, underscores that God’s involvement spans every facet of human existence, emphasizing the intrinsic role of faith in all human endeavors. His ancestry validates that spirituality permeates every aspect of life, guiding mankind’s journey through its myriad challenges and triumphs.