Educator Canvasses For Emotional And Mental Education, By Cleopatra Eki 🎊 The Scoper Media

An appeal has been made to government to review educational curriculum and include emotional and mental education for total and balanced youth. Mrs Adebimpe Adeniyi , proprietor Surest Firm Foundation Academy made the call in an educational forum in Lagos.

“We need to integrate subjects that focus on behavioral development, mental health, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, physical health, and spirituality.”
She added that” The impact of the environment on our children is significant, particularly when they are exposed to a toxic environment. This exposure is detrimental as children absorb and learn from their surroundings. “

According to her, children are heavily influenced by the images of violence, poor behaviour, and negative attitudes that they encounter. These experiences have a profound effect, leading to children emulating inappropriate conduct and speech patterns.

“Educational amenities also should be prioritized for children to facilitate their rehabilitation and improve school curriculums by taking proactive steps in these areas.”

Surest Firm Foundation Academy is also dedicated to empowering,healing traumatized children. Trauma encompasses many dimensions, including hunger, exposure to verbal and domestic abuse, and environmental influences.

She pointed out that “No one is immune to trauma, but our response and attitude towards it determine its impact on our lives.” Additionally, children often endure unnoticed trauma, internalizing their experiences. She observed that many children are left unsupervised due to the absence of their parents at home, and this lack of guidance adversely affects their behavior and academic performance.

Adeniyi believed that many of the subjects in the traditional curriculum are not relevant to the current situation. Today’s education system should address the emotional and mental well-being of children, especially with the challenges they face in today’s society.

Adeniyi said that “It is crucial for parents to actively engage with their children to prevent them from being left to fend for themselves on the streets.”The impact of parental influence on children’s productivity is significant. We, as educators and caregivers, play our roles in shaping the young minds entrusted to us. She emphasized that by taking an active role in their children’s lives, parents can mitigate these negative effects and ensure a more positive developmental environment for them.

As part of giving back to the society through humanity, and raising balanced happy children,Surest Firm Foundation Academy has created mindset shifts, special needs for children.In addition,” Our bimonthly community contributions have sparked a desire in others to emulate our actions.
Our centre empowers the children and relieves parents, guardians and government of tremendous challenges for caring and instilling good values and morals for youth our future leaders.