FAITH IN PRACTICE: Primate Ayodele’s Dedication To Humanity Through Pragmatic Christianity, By Samuel Awoyinfa 🎊 The Scoper Media 

Our first encounter took place at a bustling press conference, the air charged with anticipation as he prepared to unveil his annual book of prophecies. Reporters jostled for position, cameras flashed, and the room buzzed with excitement. Amid the sea of faces, he stood out—an enigmatic figure ready to share his visions with the world.

In December 2023, I visited Primate Elijah Ayodele’s Oke Afa Isolo church. Amid the vibrant congregation, he stood out as a pragmatic servant of God, radiating a profound love and passion for humanity. His genuine care for people was evident in every gesture and word, leaving a lasting impression on all who were present.

His selflessness was strikingly evident. I had read extensively about his humanitarian efforts, both within his church community and beyond, aiding those who were not even members.

He is a devoted man of God, unparalleled in his generosity, surpassing all others in the country with his selfless giving.

In the humble folds of his modest means, Primate Ayodele epitomizes a profound truth: life transcends the accumulation of personal wealth. Instead, it resonates with the noble pursuit of uplifting the underprivileged, those grappling with the harsh reality of living hand to mouth. Through his generosity and compassion, he illuminates a path where the radiance of shared prosperity outshines the glimmer of solitary riches.

In the depths of adversity, he ignited a beacon of hope—a Palliative Market. With compassion as his guide, he offered essential goods at unprecedented prices, rice once priced at ₦50,000 was a mere ₦20,000. His initiative became a lifeline in these harsh times, offering sustenance and relief to those in need.

In a heartwarming act of generosity, he slashed prices by over 50% on various goods, spreading joy among the less fortunate. His compassionate gesture brought smiles to the faces of those struggling in society, illuminating their lives with newfound hope and relief.

In a scene reminiscent of generosity and community spirit, the leader of the INRI Church replicated a heartwarming gesture in Ekiti State. During the dedication ceremony of the Ikere Ekiti branch, thousands flocked to the venue, eager to partake in the offerings of the Palliative Market. Among the crowd were the elderly, who were especially grateful for the opportunity to benefit from the abundance of goodwill. It was a testament to the power of compassion and the ability to uplift spirits through acts of kindness.

Amidst the clamor of hunger echoing through the land, the Primate delivered a stirring sermon, urging the government to embrace decisive measures. With impassioned words, he painted a canvas of empathy, imploring leaders to confront the plight of the people with compassion and resolve. His message resonated, stirring hearts and minds alike, igniting a collective call to action to alleviate the suffering that gripped the nation.

State governors, including those of Lagos and Ogun, have adopted the concept of palliative markets, despite not matching the discounts offered by Primate Ayodele. These markets aim to provide relief to citizens, although they may lack the allure of Ayodele’s discounted offerings.

Amidst this year’s much-anticipated annual event, his philanthropic spirit shone brightly, touching the lives of thousands. From the bustling streets to quiet corners, his generosity knew no bounds. Keke Marwa zoomed off to new owners, pepper grinding machines hummed with promise, and dreams were ignited with the gift of JAMB forms. It was a symphony of giving, a testament to the power of one person’s

Primate Ayodele showcased his commitment to religious harmony by extending an invitation to Muslim leaders, including representatives of the Etsu Nupe, to mark the commencement of construction for a mosque dedicated to the Muslim community. This gesture exemplifies his dedication to fostering mutual respect and understanding among diverse religious groups.

In the heart of our diverse town lies a testament to unity: a mosque and a church, standing just a stone’s throw apart, symbols of our harmonious coexistence. It speaks volumes of our thoughtful leadership, fostering a community where different cultures and religions not only coexist but thrive together, enriching our collective tapestry.

Primate Ayodele’s prophecies consistently find their mark, akin to the biblical prophets. His divine messages, directed towards nations, corporations, and individuals, have proved uncannily accurate. Those who disregard them do so at their peril.

Primate Ayodele delivers messages without hesitation, fear, or favor, speaking with unwavering clarity and candor. The once-dismissed revelations of his have gained credence both locally and internationally, cementing their authenticity.

In a prescient revelation, Primate Ayodele forewarned of the ongoing tribulations plaguing Nigerians and even foresaw the chilling attempt on the life of Slovakia’s Prime Minister. His prophetic voice echoed with urgency, cautioning of the looming consequences should heed not be taken. As the events unfolded, his prophetic vision stood as a beacon of insight, illuminating the shadows of uncertainty with its unwavering accuracy.

This esteemed clergyman merits national recognition, and the moment to bestow it upon him has arrived.

Samuel Awoyinfa, is the Publisher of