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FOR LADIES! Natural Treatments For Blocked Fallopian Tubes By Aminat Umar 🎊 The Scoper Media


   In the reproductive system, the fallopian tubes are where fertilization takes place. It’s where the sperm meets the egg. From here, the fertilized zygote travels to the uterus, where it implants and grows into a fetus.

If one fallopian tube is blocked, it’s still possible to get pregnant as the egg can travel through the other side of the body since there are two ovaries. However, if both tubes are completely blocked, it won’t be possible to get pregnant naturally until one or both is unblocked.

Blocked fallopian tubes can be caused by the following:

  • endometriosis, which can cause a tissue buildup in the tubes
  • pelvic inflammatory disease, a disease that can cause scarring
  • fibroids, which are growths that can block the fallopian tube
  • scars, which can be caused by ectopic pregnancies or abdominal surgery
  • some sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea

If you’re trying to get pregnant and have blocked fallopian tubes, you may look for natural treatments to unblock them.

Many commonly used natural treatments aim to reduce inflammation in the tubes. While these natural treatments remain popular and some claim success, they haven’t been scientifically proven.


Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation by helping your immune system function better. For this reason, it’s thought to heal scarring and could have a positive effect in the fallopian tubes.

According to the Office for Dietary Supplements, it’s best to get all your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can also be taken in a supplement. Vitamin C isn’t stored in the body so it must be taken in every day.

In high amounts, vitamin C can cause diarrhea and stomachache. Otherwise, there aren’t any serious side effects.

Unfortunately, vitamin C has never been tested for its ability to unblock tubes. We just don’t know whether it’s an effective treatment. Nevertheless, it’s important to ensure you consume sufficient vitamin C for your overall health.



Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to reduce inflammation. You can consume curcumin in supplement form, add turmeric to your food, or have a turmeric drink.

There are no known side effects of turmeric when taken in small doses. However, in doses of more than 8 grams per day, it can have an adverse effect. Be sure to take the correct dosage of turmeric, or better yet, add the spice to your cooking.

While turmeric has many benefits, there are no studies on whether or not it can help unblock tubes.


A common ingredient with multiple benefits, ginger is another natural anti-inflammatory. A 2014 paper showed that gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.

There’s no scientific evidence that ginger can unblock fallopian tubes.


Garlic is often suggested as a way to boost fertility and unblock tubes. A 2004 study on the fertility benefits of garlic suggested that it might be able to improve fertility. More evidence is needed to confirm this.

Beyond that dated study, there isn’t any evidence that garlic can improve fertility. That said, a moderate amount of garlic is perfectly safe, so it might be worth trying and there are other health benefits of adding garlic to your diet.


A commonly-used Ayurvedic treatment, lodhra is sometimes recommended to boost fertility and unblock fallopian tubes. However, there isn’t any scientific evidence.



A plant frequently used in Chinese herbal medicine, dong quai is often recommended for fallopian tube blockages. It’s one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs for treating reproductive issues.

According to a 2015 meta-analysis, Chinese herbal medicine could double the pregnancy rates in female infertility. The analysis looked at a total of 4,247 women in treatment for infertility. However, no studies have specifically looked at whether dong quai could unblock fallopian tubes.


Some natural and Eastern doctors recommend ginseng to increase fertility. While ginseng seems to have a number of potential benefits, there’s no evidence that it can improve female fertility, let alone treat blocked fallopian tubes.



An alternative treatment that’s recently risen in popularity, vaginal steaming supposedly treats multiple conditions, from menstrual cramps to infertility. It’s also recommended by some as a treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Unfortunately, there’s no evidence behind these claims. It doesn’t seem anatomically possible for steam to enter the fallopian tubes through the cervix. Additionally, steaming the vagina might lead to a burn or an infection. This can actually harm your fertility.


Some alternative medicine practitioners suggest fertility massages to unblock fallopian tubes. These usually involve warm oil massages on the abdominal area. There’s no scientific evidence that this works.



Mugwort is an herb sometimes recommended for boosting fertility. It’s also recommended for unblocking fallopian tubes.

Mugwort has a long history of use for fertility in a number of different cultures. It was used throughout Europe and Asia for centuries. It’s often used in Chinese medicine in the form of moxibustion, which involves burning mugwort over an acupressure point.

A 2010 review of studiesTrusted Source shows that the only thing moxibustion could help with is turning a breech fetus head-down in the uterus. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that it affects fertility or blocked fallopian tubes.



Castor oil is a popular home remedies for infertility and blocked tubes. It’s also commonly used to induce labor, although a 2009 review shows that it’s neither harmful or helpful in this regard.

There’s no scientific evidence that proves that castor oil unblocks fallopian tubes. However, there aren’t any risks associated with the topical application of castor oil, so it might be worth a try and it can moisturize to your skin.



Herbal tampons — that is, herbs inserted into the vagina — are popular home fertility treatments. However, there aren’t any studies that test the efficacy of this treatment.

Bear in mind that these tampons aren’t sterile, and they can lead to a vaginal infection. Use these with caution. Investigate each herb before use and work with a licensed practitioner.


13. MACA

Maca is a Peruvian plant with a number of reported benefits. One of those alleged benefits is that it boosts fertility. While a 2016 review of studies shows that it could improve semen quality, no evidence suggests it unblocks the fallopian tubes.



Exercise is a lifestyle change sometimes believed to improve fertility and unblock fallopian tubes. A 2012 cohort studyTrusted Source that studied 3,628 women suggested that exercise can improve fertility levels. But so far, no studies have been conducted on the link between exercise and blocked fallopian tubes.



Drinking alcohol hasn’t been directly linked with blocked fallopian tubes. However, it’s worth cutting out alcohol if you’re trying to conceive. This lifestyle change can improve your overall health and fertility.


16. YOGA

Many people who are trying to conceive practice yoga. Some people even recommend it for treating blocked fallopian tubes.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthTrusted Source, yoga could be an effective way to reduce stress. Stress can reduce fertility, so it may be worth trying stress-reducing techniques such as yoga if you’re trying to conceive. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that proves yoga unblocks fallopian tubes.



Similar to yoga, meditating is scientifically proven to reduce stress, according to this 2014 reviewTrusted Source. Meditation might be a useful tool for improving your fertility. Nevertheless, no studies have been conducted on whether meditating affects the fallopian tubes.



While diet is important when it comes to fertility, there’s no evidence linking diet to blocked fallopian tubes. It’s still a wise idea to eat a varied diet and stay hydrated so your body has sufficient nutrients while you’re trying to conceive.

You should take prenatal vitamins the year before you try to conceive as low folic acid, a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables, has been associated with spinal bifida and other similar problems.



Your doctor might use a hysterosalpingography (HSG), which is a type of X-ray used to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes. Your doctor will add dye to your uterus and fallopian tubes, which will help blockages show up on the X-ray.

Alternatively, your doctor may use a laparoscopy to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes, but it’s more likely that they’ll use an HSG first. Laparoscopy is a surgery but it’s minimally invasive and requires only small incisions.



Medical treatments to unblock fallopian tubes

There are medical treatments you can pursue if you have blocked tubes. For example, a laparoscopy not only diagnoses blockages. It can also sometimes be used to remove any blockages. Alternatively, a surgeon can remove damaged parts of the tubes and connect the two healthy parts during surgery.

While these treatment options are generally more expensive than natural treatments to unblock Fallopian tubes, they have a higher success rate.

However, if large parts of the tubes are damaged or blocked, it might not be possible to remove the blockages.



If none of the above medical or natural treatments work, there are a number of alternative methods for getting pregnant. These include:

Speak to your doctor about a fertility plan if you’re having difficulty conceiving. Together, you can figure out the cause, possible treatments, and a way forward


Source: Healthline

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