FOR MEN: 8 Essential Vitamins And Minerals For Healthy Living, By Olayinka Adeniran √√ The Scoper Media


      To power your body, you need a wide range of nutrients in the right balance. A healthy diet will give you that. In fact, many studies show that consuming nutrient-rich foods, rather than supplements, is the key to better health and lowered risk for disease. Here’s a rundown of important nutrients that men need and the foods that provide them.



Every time your muscles move, they use vitamin D. Plus, this vitamin keeps your immune system strong and helps your body absorb calcium. Good sources: milk and fatty fish. Some brands of cereal, orange juice, soy beverages, yogurt, and margarine are fortified with vitamin D (check the label).



We read a lot about women taking folate, buy guys need it, too! To use protein, make DNA, and form healthy red blood cells, your body needs folate (also called folic acid and folacin). This B vitamin also may help prevent unhealthy changes in sperm that are linked to chromosomal abnormalities in children. Good sources: spinach, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, beans, nuts, and liver.



This mineral supports healthy muscles, nerves, and bones. It’s especially important that men in their 20s get enough calcium to develop strong, dense bones. Good sources: milk; yogurt; cheese; canned salmon and sardines with soft, edible bones; dark green leafy vegetables; and calcium-fortified cereals and juices (check the label).



Enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH) is common in older men and causes problems with urination. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C is associated with a lower risk for BPH. Good sources: green and red peppers, kiwifruit, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, and broccoli.



Potassium helps combat the blood pressure-raising effects of sodium. That makes it a key nutrient for keeping blood vessels healthy and preventing heart disease as men age. Good sources: spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, melon, prunes, raisins, oranges, bananas, milk, yogurt, and tuna.



Besides supporting healthy eyes and boosting your immune system, foods high in vitamin A may lower your risk for prostate cancer. Good sources of vitamin A: milk, cheese, salmon, broccoli, carrots, green leafy vegetables, squash, cantaloupe, mangoes, and apricots.



Many men, especially African-American men, don’t get enough of this mineral. Besides supporting healthy muscles, nerves, and bones, magnesium may boost your immune system and prevent heart disease. Good sources: spinach and other green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.



Men who are vegetarian often come up short on zinc. This mineral helps make proteins throughout the body, fights infection, and heals wounds. Good sources: red meat, seafood (especially oysters), and poultry. Beans and whole grains provide some zinc, but it isn’t absorbed as well as the zinc in meat.



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