FUT ASUU Provides Succour For The Kuta IDPS Camp, Niger State, Video + Photos √√ The Scoper Media 

By Our Reporter



   The internally displaced person’s camp located in Shiroro local government of Niger State  became operative six years ago after surrounding communities were sacked by bandit thereby  resulted to lost of lives and properties.

On the basis of this however, one of the internally displaced persons, Habiba Saleh speaks on her ordeal as follows:

‘This roofless class rooms has served as my home for the past 6 years, we left our village 6 years ago after bandits attacked our village, feeding as been a huge challenge we depend on humanitarian supports from some philanthropist yet it’s still difficult for us to make a good living. but what can we do, the situation at the camp is uncondusive”

Similarly, she is not the alone  here in the camp, over 101,27 internally displayed person live here too but their living conditions are nothing to write home about.

    The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), led by the International President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke visited the camp is to bring them some Succour. He has this to say “what we are doing here is to provide them Succour even if what we provide them will serve these families for one or two days, we are just making our contributions by touching lives. If you put one billion naira in this community each of them will smile home happy. what we are doing is just to set a pace for others to emulate

  ASUU Chairman, FUT Minna, Prof. Gbolahan Bolarin  corroborated as saying that as at it is, this is the determination to touch lives  for the  North Central. its not actually a branch thing it is a national program, we are here today in Niger state Kuta camp, tomorrow we will be in Benue for the north central intervention and maybe or sometimes later in the week or next week other things will be in the North West. We are currently working on their own stuff too on how to give interventions to people in North West, all these  is as result of banditry ravaging the areas.

    It should be noted at this juncture that this banditry which started gradually through cattle rustling in Shiroro local government area in 2015 has now gone beyond control as it has spread to other local government areas forcing many to abandon their ancestral homes to take refuge in different Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps located in six different geopolitical zones in the the start.

Conclusively, this is the most reason why ASUU FUT Minna took the bull by the horns to touch lives not only in Shiroro IDPS Camp but other states of the federation.


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