GOLDEN RECOGNITION: Aare Adetola Emmanuelking And Wife Named Grand National Patron/Matron At PCRC’s 40th Anniversary 🎊 The Scoper Media

In a grand ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) in Lagos, Aare Adetola Emmanuelking, the Chairman and CEO of Adron Homes, along with his wife, Yeye Aderonke Emmanuelking, were honored with prestigious titles. Aare Emmanuelking was named the Golden Grand National Patron, while Yeye Emmanuelking was appointed the Grand National Matron for the women and youth committees of the PCRC, both in Nigeria and the diaspora. This recognition celebrates their significant contributions to community development and engagement.

The laudable event which was held in Lagos, National PCRC chairman Alhaji Mogaji Ibrahim-Olaniyan, along with other committee members, dignitaries, community leaders, and representatives from the Nigerian Police Force, gathered to commemorate the event. The occasion, marked by speeches and accolades, underscored the collaborative efforts of the police and the community in fostering peace and security. The presence of esteemed guests highlighted the significance of this unity in promoting social harmony and effective law enforcement across the nation.

On the basis of this however, the PCRC’s decision to honor the Emmanuelkings underscores their steadfast dedication to community development. Their significant contributions to public safety initiatives and efforts to strengthen the bond between law enforcement and local communities have not gone unnoticed. This recognition celebrates their tireless work in fostering cooperation and building a safer, more united society.

In his heartfelt acceptance speech, Aare Adetola Emmanuelking expressed deep gratitude for the prestigious recognition bestowed upon him. He dedicated the honor to not only himself and his wife but also to every Nigerian who values the strength of community and the vital role of collaborating with the police to foster a safer, more harmonious society. His words resonated with a powerful message of unity and collective effort, emphasizing the importance of working together for the common good.

Yeye Aderonke Emmanuelking, in her acceptance speech, highlighted the pivotal role women and families play in nurturing community spirit and resilience. She passionately underscored how their contributions strengthen the social fabric, fostering unity and perseverance.

 “Our communities thrive when we all play our part. As National Grand Patrons, we are committed to promoting initiatives that bring the police and the people closer together, ensuring mutual trust and cooperation.”

In 1984, under the leadership of Inspector General of Police Etim Inyang, the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) was founded. Since its inception, the PCRC has been instrumental in fostering stronger ties between the Nigerian Police Force and local communities, effectively narrowing the gap and enhancing mutual trust and cooperation.

 It should be noted that over the past 40 years, the committee has pioneered countless initiatives to enhance communication, foster trust, and build mutual respect. The 40th-anniversary celebration not only honored the PCRC’s remarkable accomplishments but also laid the groundwork for future efforts to bolster community policing.

Alhaji Mogaji Ibrahim-Olaniyan, the National PCRC chairman, lauded the Emmanuelkings for their outstanding support and unwavering dedication. He highlighted their exceptional commitment, saying, “The Emmanuelkings embody the true spirit and ideals of the PCRC.”

In Nigeria, their dedication to community policing has been a beacon of hope. Elevating their roles to National Grand Patrons is a testament to their unwavering commitment. Their leadership and philanthropy have woven a tapestry of progress, fostering peace and security across the nation

 Conclusively, in a testament to the potency of community collaboration and the lasting influence of committed civic leadership, the chairman proudly proclaimed the elevation of Aare Adetola Emmanuelking and Yeye Aderonke Emmanuelking to the esteemed position of National Grand Patrons. This decoration not only honors their individual contributions but also symbolizes the strength found in collective efforts towards a shared vision of progress and prosperity.