LAWMA Stresses Importance Of Waste Management Ahead Eid el-Kabir ๐ŸŽŠ The Scoper Media

Ahead of this yearโ€™s Id el Kabir festivities, the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) has issued a call to residents, emphasizing the importance of proper waste disposal. LAWMA has specifically highlighted the need for responsible handling of animal waste generated during the celebrations. They urge everyone to ensure that waste is adequately bagged and disposed of correctly to maintain cleanliness and environmental health in the community.

Dr. Muyiwa Gbadegesin, the Managing Director and CEO of the agency, announced that rigorous initiatives are underway to maintain a pristine and hygienic environment throughout the festive season. He emphasized that service providers are diligently executing these plans to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness during the celebrations.

He said, โ€œWe have put in place a robust system to manage waste effectively during Id el Kabir. Our goal is to ensure that the celebration is enjoyed in a clean and safe environment. We are working tirelessly to ensure thisโ€.

Gbadegesin reaffirmed LAWMA’s dedication to combating improper waste disposal, which threatens environmental health. He urged residents to utilize the services of designated PSP operators and steer clear of cart pushers, whose actions compromise the Authority’s initiatives.

โ€œWe urge residents to cooperate with us by bagging and containerising waste generated during and after this period, for seamless evacuation by PSP operators. Cart pushers often dispose of waste indiscriminately, causing environmental harm. We cannot condone their activities, to keep the city clean and safeโ€, he noted.

The head of LAWMA urged residents to stop disposing of waste on road medians, canals, uncompleted buildings, and other unauthorized locations. He emphasized that LAWMA would offer additional support to PSP operators in areas where services are lacking, to ensure effective waste management across the city.

As the festive season approached, his voice echoed through the city’s airwaves, a plea resonating with urgency and care. His words weren’t just a reminder but a solemn admonition: “Drive cautiously,” he urged, “for beyond the revelry lies the quiet dedication of those who keep our streets clean.” In this season of joy, his concern turned to those often unseen: the sanitation workers, their tasks unyielding amidst the holiday rush. Amidst the twinkling lights and laughter, he reminded us all to safeguard their lives as they diligently serve our city’s pulse, on every road, around every corner

Conclusively, in his festive address to the community, he extended warm wishes and reminded everyone to reach out to LAWMA through their toll-free lines: 080000LAWMA (08000052962), 07080601020, and 617 for immediate assistance.

*Kadiri Folashade (Mrs.)*
Director, Public Affairs