MARKING 30 YEARS: Primate Ayodele’s Dedication And Devotion In WTN, By Osho Oluwatosin, Lagos 🎊 The Scoper Media 

In a few days, Primate Elijah Ayodele, the Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, will unveil the 30th edition of his annual prophecy book, “Warnings To The Nations.” This milestone, marking three decades of unbroken tradition since its inception in 1994, has sparked moments of both ecstasy and reflection. The enigmatic prophet’s steadfast dedication to this challenging journey, beginning before many were even born, is nothing short of remarkable. His unwavering commitment and prophetic insights continue to captivate and inspire, demonstrating an extraordinary legacy that endures year after year.

The first edition of “Warnings To The Nations” was a modest pamphlet, containing fewer than 100 pages. Over the years, however, Primate Ayodele significantly expanded and refined his prophetic work, transforming it into a comprehensive volume that now spans over 400 pages. This evolution reflects his deepening insights and growing commitment to sharing his prophetic visions with the world.

Documenting ‘Warnings To The Nations’ over three decades may seem like a straightforward task akin to publishing any literature book with sufficient resources and content. However, dismissing its significance as such would be a grave oversight. This ongoing endeavor represents more than just compiling information—it encapsulates a profound narrative of global alerts, a chronicle spanning continents and cultures, each entry a poignant reflection of our world’s collective journey through time. It’s a tapestry woven with foresight, echoing voices of caution and guidance amidst the currents of history, destined to resonate far beyond its pages.

In the realm of literature, stories often draw from history, personal narratives, and the tapestry of current events. However, ‘WTN’ stands apart—it transcends the conventional boundaries of storytelling. It does not weave tales from the fabric of past or present realities, nor does it delve into the realms of imagination or prediction. Instead, ‘WTN’ is a visionary tome, boldly predicting the future of nations, leaders, and organizations with a clarity that defies conventional wisdom. Its prophetic insights are not crafted from earthly musings but are divinely inspired, offering a prescient glimpse into what lies ahead for presidents, sectors, and policies. In ‘WTN,’ the words resonate not with the echoes of history but with the certainty of foresight, painting a vivid portrait of tomorrow’s realities

A book that forecasts events across 196 countries, detailing the lives of presidents, all 36 Nigerian governors, 774 local governments, and numerous corporations and notable figures worldwide, transcends human capability. Its extraordinary scope suggests inspiration far beyond the physical realm.

In 2020, Primate Ayodele unveiled a remarkable compendium of 5,000 fulfilled prophecies from his publication “Warnings To The Nations” (WTN). These prophecies, recorded in past editions of WTN, have consistently come to pass with astonishing accuracy, reinforcing the spiritual essence of the work. The realization of these  foretellings, often mirroring significant global events, defies conventional explanation and leaves one awestruck by the mysterious forces at play, beyond the grasp of the human mind.

Producing an edition of “Warnings To The Nations” is a challenging and demanding task, requiring intense spiritual discipline and dedication. To truly receive messages from the Spirit of God, one must be spiritually attuned and sensitive, recognizing the divine voice when it speaks. This process demands unwavering focus and a heightened state of spiritual  awareness, making it both a rigorous and profound endeavor.

Throughout the Bible, mountains are depicted as sacred places where prophets commune with God. For instance, Moses ascended Mount Sinai and spent 40 days and nights in divine presence to receive the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19). This extended period of consecration underscores the profound spiritual preparation required to receive God’s word.

Similarly, other prophets have sought the solitude of mountains to deepen their connection with the divine.

In light of these biblical traditions, consider the creation of a prophetic publication. Each annual edition is not just a collection of writings but a spiritual undertaking. The depth of devotion and time spent in prayer and reflection mirrors the dedication of those ancient prophets. Just as Moses’ encounter with God on the mountain was a transformative experience, so too is the process of producing this prophetic publication—an endeavor that seeks to capture and convey divine wisdom for the faithful today.

Primate Ayodele dedicates a significant portion of his year to preparing spiritually for his annual “Warnings To The Nations” (WTN). Starting in March, he embarks on a rigorous four-month fasting period that lasts until June. During this time, his commitment is unwavering: he isolates himself from all visitors and abstains from attending any events, regardless of their importance. His strict regimen also includes refraining from cutting his hair and foregoing nutritious food. This intense spiritual discipline underscores the seriousness with which Primate Ayodele approaches his prophetic duties.

Primate Ayodele has spent the past thirty years living a life of strict self-denial. Each year, he forgoes pleasures, nutrition, and social connections, including time with friends and family. This disciplined lifestyle is part of his dedication to receiving divine revelations for his annual publication, “Warnings To The Nations.” Through these sacrifices, he aims to ensure that his messages are pure and accurately conveyed from the throne of God.

Primate Ayodele’s prophetic ministry encompasses more than just “Warnings to the Nations.” Each year, his spiritual journey begins with eagerly anticipated New Year prophecies every December, urging believers towards spiritual readiness. His church’s vibrant community engages in an annual fasting and prayer convention from December through February, fostering deep spiritual renewal and connection. Beyond this, the Lenten period from March to April is observed with solemn fasting, enriching the faithful with spiritual discipline and reflection. Primate Ayodele’s ministry thus spans a tapestry of spiritual engagements, guiding his followers through profound prophetic insights and transformative spiritual practices year-round.

In solitude atop the sacred mountain, Primate Ayodele dedicates extensive periods to fasting and communion with the divine, a profound ritual believed to illuminate his prophecies. His spiritual vigils transcend borders, shaping prophecies that resonate far beyond Nigeria’s shores, blessing mankind with insights that bridge earthly and celestial realms.

Primate Ayodele’s deeply spiritual lifestyle profoundly shapes his physical existence. He seldom attends events or travels, preferring the sanctuary of his church office. While he occasionally welcomes visitors, he rarely ventures beyond his spiritual pursuits, immersed in his profound journey of faith.

For three decades, ‘Warnings To The Nations’ has been Primate Ayodele’s profound spiritual odyssey, marked by astonishing prophecies fulfilled since 1994. This journey of foresight has carved a remarkable path, blending the unbelievable with the confirmed, shaping a legacy of divine insight and prophetic clarity.

For three decades, ‘Warnings To The Nations’ has weathered countless challenges, yet its enduring spirit of resilience, dedication, and unwavering commitment has been the steadfast force propelling its journey forward.

Over the span of three decades, numerous prophets penned prophecy books akin to his, yet many faltered along the way. The demands, both spiritual and physical, proved daunting, leading most to abandon their visions. But he persisted, driven by an unyielding faith and an unwavering commitment to unraveling divine mysteries amidst the challenges that beset his journey.

Primate Ayodele’s annual “Warnings To The Nations” deserves accolades, guiding countless individuals and corporations with its prophetic wisdom year after year. It serves as a steadfast compass, directing endeavors with profound insight and foresight.

Conclusively, in the spirit of celebration, I extend heartfelt congratulations to Primate Ayodele for his remarkable achievements. It’s truly inspiring to witness his profound impact and unwavering faith amidst challenges. May God continue to guide him, blessing his journey with even greater accomplishments in the future.