INNOVATION FOR INCLUSION: NCC Bridges The Digital Divide With Donation Of 50 Laptops To NCPWD 🎊 The Scoper Media 

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) generously gifted the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) with 50 brand new HP laptop sets on Tuesday.

Dr. Aminu Maida, the Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, extended a generous donation during a visit to the NCPWD headquarters in Abuja, showcasing their commitment to supporting the community.

With a flourish of commitment, Maida, personified through the eloquent Deputy Director of the Commission, Mr. Tijani Munguno, embarked on a noble endeavor. Driven by the profound belief that every individual, including Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), deserves access to essential tools, the National Communications Commission (NCC) took decisive action. They orchestrated the provision of state-of-the-art ICT equipment, symbolizing not just technological empowerment but a beacon of inclusivity and equality. In this tale of compassion and progress, Maida and the NCC emerged as champions of diversity, lighting the path towards a more equitable future.

Through innovative equipment, he promised to empower people with disabilities, enhancing their digital communication skills to thrive in the competitive ICT market.

Maida, with unwavering determination, emphasized the multifaceted impact of enhancing the digital prowess of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). he illuminated how the provision of cutting-edge equipment would not only empower PWDs but also fortify the commission’s resolve to fulfill its mission. In her vision, these tools were not merely instruments but catalysts for inclusivity and progress, symbolizing a brighter future where barriers dissolve, and every individual’s potential shines.


”We recognised that in today’s world, access to digital technology is essential to providing quality output and efficiency.

Enhancing digital communication for people with disabilities (PWDs) not only improves their skills but also fosters inclusivity,” he emphasized.

“With these laptops, we hope we can make significant impact on disability community,” he said.

Dr. James Lalu, the Executive Secretary of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), graciously extended his heartfelt appreciation to the esteemed delegation from the National Communications Commission (NCC). Their generous donation and unwavering support towards empowering persons with disabilities (PWDs) were warmly welcomed and deeply cherished by the entire NCPWD community.

Similarly, Embracing inclusivity, he pledged to join forces with the NCC, fostering digital prowess among Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)

Lalu proudly unveiled the National Accessibility Manuals, ushering in a new era of inclusivity and understanding within the NCC. With these manuals in hand, the delegation embarked on a journey to integrate accessibility standards seamlessly into their diverse offices, ensuring that every individual, regardless of ability, could navigate their spaces with dignity and ease.