OKUAMA: We Got The Video Of How They Carried Them In Their Boat Away And Killed Them – Okuama Leader 🎊 The Scoper Media 

According to the report from the Vanguard, a leader of the Okuama community in Delta State, provides context for the conflict between the Okuama community and Okoloba community, stating that the leader of Okoloba had previously made threats against the Okuama people and that this attack was part of a wider plan to wipe them out. He claims that the Okuama people have evidence in the form of a video recording of the attack and the destruction of their community. 

He said, “The whole thing is a gang up against our people because the Okoloba leader promised that he would set up Okuama, and they would wipe us out. Therefore, when that incident happened that day, we knew it was a real gang up with the Army and him.

Okoloba people cannot deny attacking and killing our four youths. When they were attacking them, we got the video of how they carried them in their boat away and killed them. Okuama had two jetties, on the day of the attack when the boats were coming; some of the boys who escaped from the soldiers’ attack at the town hall captured the boat on video recording.

They did not capture the boat; they only recorded it on video. They burnt down the whole community; they used graders to pull down all the community buildings, except the Anglican Church, Primary, and Secondary school buildings.” 

Opera News