Police Launch Probe As Soldiers Shoots DPO Dead 🎯 The Scoper Media

The Nigeria Police Force has launched an investigation into the alleged murder of the Divisional Police Officer in charge of Wasagu Division in Kebbi State and a Superintendent of Police, Haliru Lima, by six soldiers

A Police Situation Report mentioned that the DPO was killed by soldiers in the Zugu area of Kebbi State.

The news of the murder of the DPO was brought to his station by one Halilu Ibrahim, a Special Constabulary Police.

According to Ibrahim, on that fateful day in question, at about 12:30am, he received a phone call using Airtel Number 08125683417 belonging to one Hassan, military personnel attached to OPHD Sector 6 Dan Market, who told the police that the DPO was dead.

Ibrahim claimed that the DPO was driving a Corolla vehicle, with registration SKK-270 TT, red in colour, toward their end, and the police blocked the road.

When the driver got to them, they interrogated him and then allowed him to go after he brought out his Police Identification card and also identified himself as a Superintendent of Police, Halliru Lima, DPO in charge of Wasagu, Kebbi State.

After being fully satisfied with Lima, he was allowed him to go.

After he climbed his vehicle and drove on, six soldiers, led by the said Hassan, while on two motorcycles, suddenly appeared from nowhere and blocked his vehicle.

The DPO was ordered to turn back to their camp.

The DPO came from his vehicle and identified himself to the soldiers.

One of the soldiers complimented him and then ordered him to move.

The said Hassan, for reasons yet to be fathomed, allegedly pointed his gun at the DPO’s head and opened fire.

The DPO was said to have slumped and laid motionless in a pool of blood.

It was learnt that the corpse of the DPO was taken away by the soldiers before the Divisional Crime Officer and other policemen got to the scene

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