POLITICAL SHIFT IN SOUTH AFRICA: ANC Loses Majority Following Primate Ayodele’s Unheeded Warnings 🎊 The Scoper Media


For the first time in three decades, South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), has lost its parliamentary majority. This historic shift marks a dramatic change in the nation’s political landscape, as the ANC has been the dominant force in South African politics since the end of apartheid. The loss of majority signals a new era of coalition politics and could reshape the country’s governance and policy directions.

In a historic shift, last week’s parliamentary election in South Africa marked the end of the African National Congress (ANC)’s decades-long dominance. For the first time, the ANC, which has consistently secured over 50% of the vote in every election since the end of apartheid, struggled to reach even 40%. This dramatic decline signifies a seismic change in the nation’s political landscape, reflecting growing public dissatisfaction and a desire for new leadership.

In the recent parliamentary elections, the African National Congress (ANC), a party once helmed by the legendary Nelson Mandela, secured 159 seats out of 400. This marks a significant decline from their previous dominance of 230 seats, reflecting a shift in the political landscape and the waning influence of the party that once symbolized the struggle for freedom and justice in South Africa.

The recent election results serve as a stark reminder of the consequences faced by leaders who disregard divine counsel. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa experienced a significant setback, despite multiple warnings from Nigerian prophet Primate Elijah Ayodele. Ayodele had repeatedly cautioned Ramaphosa about the potential outcome, underscoring the importance of heeding prophetic insights. This humbling defeat highlights a broader issue among African leaders who often fail to take such warnings seriously.

Primate Ayodele issued a stern warning to President Ramaphosa, cautioning that underestimating opposition leaders such as Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema could lead to a loss of majority support in the house. Through a series of press statements and video interviews disseminated across various online platforms, Ayodele emphasized the political peril Ramaphosa faces if he disregards the influence and tactics of these formidable adversaries.

Primate Ayodele has foreseen a significant betrayal awaiting Cyril Ramaphosa in the upcoming election. According to Ayodele, some of Ramaphosa’s own followers are poised to turn against him, potentially jeopardizing his chances. This unexpected twist could reshape the political landscape and challenge Ramaphosa’s leadership, adding an element of intrigue and uncertainty to the election.

‘’South Africa: If the president underrates Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema, he will be disappointed. He will be betrayed by some of his followers in the election. King Zulu must be prayerful for good health. He will be attacked but will escape it. He will be faced with so many crises. Let’s pray against killings, earthquakes, and mining accidents in South Africa. A major problem awaits the country.’’

In a strikingly prescient prediction from December 2023, Primate Ayodele foresaw a political upheaval against South Africa’s ruling party. He warned of a widespread voter backlash against President Cyril Ramaphosa’s potential re-election. True to his prophecy, the ruling party has now lost its parliamentary majority, mirroring Ayodele’s forecast with remarkable accuracy.

‘’SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTION: The spirit of God says the Opposition and the people will kick against the present government except there is a change in strategy on the part of the Cyril Ramaphosa. I foresee the possibility of plotting a political Coup against the ruling party except the President turns a new leaf. I foresee majority of the voters will be opposed to the second coming of Cyril Ramaphosa.’’

In a prophetic utterance months ago, Primate Ayodele foretold a seismic shift in South African politics. Speaking with the gravity of a seer, he declared to the pages of Punch Newspaper that President Ramaphosa and his political bloc would soon face the harsh reality of electoral defeat, losing their once-solid grip on the parliamentary majority. The words echoed with an aura of inevitability, leaving the nation to ponder the turbulent winds of change blowing through the halls of power.

‘’In South Africa, the president will lose the majority in the House. Ramaphosa will lose the majority in the house, so that seat is shaking; so when I say this, I’m talking outside the country. Now they have not done their elections.’’


In a series of compiled videos, Primate Ayodele’s prophetic words echo back to 2022, foretelling a turbulent path for President Cyril Ramaphosa. With an unwavering gaze into the future, the Primate predicted Ramaphosa’s struggle to maintain a parliamentary majority and the formidable obstacles blocking his path to a second presidential term. As the clips intertwine, a narrative of uncertainty unfolds, painting a vivid portrait of political upheaval and the relentless march of destiny.

In a tale of missed opportunities, the ANC faced a historic loss, with chances for repair squandered. Despite warnings from Primate Ayodele, President Ramaphosa’s goals for the opposition only fueled their defeat, leaving the party without its once dominant majority.

Conclusively, President Ramaphosa’s neglect mirrors that of Ex-President George Weah of Liberia, who ignored warnings from Primate Ayodele before the last election, leading to his loss despite being cautioned eight times about what actions to take to secure his position.