PRESIDENT TINUBU’S FIRST YEAR: Prophecies By Primate Ayodele Realized 🎊 The Scoper Media

‘’If Nigerians vote for APC in 2023, the country will sink, we will swim in poverty, and the economy will be in shambles. If APC wins, Nigeria will suffer extraordinarily. We have not yet seen hardship; if APC wins, the real hardship will come. The economy will be sick.’’

In October 2022, Primate Elijah Ayodele, the renowned leader of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, delivered a prophetic message that resonated deeply across Nigeria. As the nation stood on the brink of its pivotal 2023 presidential election, Ayodele’s words carried a weight of anticipation and spiritual significance. His prophecy, blending divine insight with a call to the collective conscience, stirred both hope and reflection among the populace. Ayodele’s foresight offered a glimpse into the nation’s future, encapsulating the fervor and

uncertainty that characterized the pre-election atmosphere. His message, prophetic and profound, remains a touchstone in the narrative of Nigeria’s political journey.

‘’Subsidy is gone’’, it’s been one year since Mr. President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu made this statement that would later lead to a rocky beginning of his administration. It was his first major statement as the democratically elected President of Nigeria and as the nation marks the first anniversary of Mr. Tinubu’s administration today May 29, 2024, it is discernable that the ripple effect of his statement still lingers on account of the inexplicable catastrophe that continues to face a larger percentage of the country’s population.

The unfolding of Primate Ayodele’s prophecy became unmistakably evident with President Tinubu’s inaugural address as the Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (GCFR). Tinubu’s words echoed the predictions of the revered Primate, marking the prophecy’s initial steps toward realization. The alignment of his statements with Ayodele’s foresight captured the nation’s attention, illustrating the profound connection between the prophetic and the political.

Perhaps the president didn’t intend to spark economic woes, but the fallout from his announcement reignited financial turmoil, fulfilling Primate Ayodele’s prophecy about another APC-led government and Tinubu’s administration.

‘’I’m not saying anyone should not insult me; I am not scared of any human being. If Nigeria votes for APC in 2023, things will be tougher. We will see human beings and want to eat them like food. This is how God told me. I am not saying you should not criticize me or say anything against me even as an APC member, I warned you in 2015 too. If you want to vote for lies in 2023, if you vote for the party that has a broom as their symbol, I pity churches. I am not against anybody and I don’t vote, Nigeria will be tough. If you vote and Tinubu enters, there will be serious problems.’’

When President Tinubu announced the removal of fuel subsidies, fuel prices soared instantly to N617 per liter. This abrupt spike triggered a ripple effect, causing the prices of essential commodities to skyrocket. Food, household items, electronics, and more saw their costs double, leaving the nation grappling with a dramatic surge in living expenses.

In one of its first bold moves, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration decided to float the Nigerian currency, the Naira, in a bid to stabilize the spiraling foreign exchange rates. Initially, the policy saw the Naira soar to N890 per dollar within the first week. However, this rapid change proved to be only the beginning. The Naira’s value soon plummeted further, breaching the N1,500 mark against the dollar, highlighting the challenges and volatility inherent in the new monetary approach.

Despite numerous efforts to stabilize the currency, including aggressive crackdowns on Bureau de Change (BDC) operators and banning cryptocurrency platforms, the government has been unable to prevent the currency’s continued decline in the foreign exchange market

Before the election, Primate Ayodele, a revered Nigerian cleric, issued a stern warning to the nation. He prophesied that choosing the wrong candidate would lead to dire consequences for the country. His message was clear: the future of Nigeria hinged on this critical decision. Despite his warnings, the electorate proceeded with their choice, and the unfolding events seemed to echo his predictions, casting a shadow over the nation’s political landscape.

‘’If Nigeria vote for a wrong candidate, dollar will rise to N1,500, diesel will rise to N1,500 or N2,000, bread of N200 will be N800, cost of living will be high, and I am telling you terrorism will be high, prepaid meter bill will be high and the rate of poverty will be high. This will affect both the rich and the poor, we may get it wrong the way we are going about it, we are getting it wrong.’’

‘’Let God direct us to get the right president in 2023, if we get the wrong president, our economy will fail. I am afraid of the country. This is a sensitive time in our country, making noise will not solve anything at this moment’’

Despite the government’s efforts to rescue the country from its downward spiral, conditions have worsened. Instead of relief, the people of Nigeria face relentless calamities and oppressive burdens in the form of taxes and tariffs. The once hopeful attempts at stabilization have devolved into a series of unending misfortunes and unequivocal suffering for the nation’s citizens.

Nigerians are grappling with an economic quagmire as the inflation rate has soared from 22.41% to a staggering 33.69% in just one year, according to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics. This alarming rise in inflation fulfills the grim prophecy of Primate Ayodele, highlighting the financial strain on the populace.


‘’I am seeing a new government of sorrow, hardship, failure, economic disappointment, there will be more hardship because God never approved another APC government for Nigerians.’’

“Under this new government, Nigeria will not be regarded internationally, this government will not make it better than what we experienced in the outgoing government.’’

 ‘’I foresee there will be a high cost of living as tariffs on goods and services will be raised and taxes will be too high despite the fact that the goods are not contraband. The spirit of God says the economy will still be very difficult to manage. The government needs to do something good for the people and seek the face of the Lord for divine direction.’’

President Tinubu’s administration is facing criticism for its handling of security, with 85 Civil Society Organizations reporting alarming statistics: 4,416 Nigerians killed and 4,334 abducted in the past year.

In the latest Global Peace Index, Nigeria finds itself wedged between nations grappling with active conflicts, landing at the 144th spot out of 163 countries. According to leading Civil Society Organizations like Global Rights Nigeria and CISLAC, this ranking underscores Nigeria’s alarming vulnerability to conflict, as it also clinches the 5th position on the Global Conflict Index. It’s a stark reminder of the pressing need for concerted efforts towards fostering peace and stability within the nation.

In Primate Ayodele’s foresight, he glimpsed the potential for President Tinubu to safeguard the nation, mirroring the ongoing turbulence within the country’s security apparatus.

In the cryptic words of the prophet, a forewarning hung heavy in the air: kidnapping would plague the current administration until the guardians of security stirred from their slumber. True to the prophecy, Abuja became a battleground of abductions, with reports surfacing daily. As the city grappled with fear, the prophecy’s ominous shadow loomed large, urging action before more lives fell prey to the darkness.

“Kidnap: I foresee that a Commissioner and an aide in a Governor’s convoy will be kidnapped. The spirit of God says kidnapping will take another dimension. Let us pray for all governors in Nigeria that none of them will be bedridden.’’

In a stunning revelation, Primate Ayodele foretold of corruption entrenched within the government, a prophecy that materialized when Betta Edu was indefinitely suspended from her ministerial position. Furthermore, he spoke of the inherent flaws in cash palliatives, a cautionary tale proven true when they were subsequently suspended. These prophetic insights unveil a tapestry of foresight, weaving a narrative of truth amid the chaotic fabric of politics and policy.

“Corruption will hit this government hard except the government is ready to fight corruption from the root,”

‘’The N8,000 palliative is corruption, I see nothing in the palliative and it will not reach out to the poor masses. Despite the fact that Mr President has signed it, it will not make any impact. The governors will use it for their selfish needs. The poor will not enjoy it at all.

In President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s inaugural year, echoes of Primate Ayodele’s prophetic revelations resounded, notably in the realms of economy and security, where the administration made significant strides. However, amidst Primate Ayodele’s solutions to the nation’s enduring crises, the administration hesitated to take decisive action, leaving the nation yearning for the fulfillment of promised remedies.

“If Tinubu doesn’t get to work immediately and find a way to solve our economic issues, there will be massive protests. The people are crying already, salary earners are not satisfied and it will get to a state where governors will not be able to pay salaries again.

“Government of Nigeria must work on five things in 2024 which can make the country to be great: Stable light, Improve security and buy more weapons, Development of infrastructural facilities, Agriculture (plenty of food) and Create employment.’’

In the swirling currents of uncertainty, a nation stands at a crossroads, its destiny entwined with the twin pillars of economy and security. Urgency echoes through the corridors of power as the government grapples with the imperative of charting a course toward prosperity and safety. Each decision, each action, a brushstroke on the canvas of the future, painting a portrait of resilience and progress. Bold initiatives, born of necessity, emerge as beacons of hope amidst the shadows of doubt. Through strategic foresight and unwavering determination, the seeds of transformation are sown, nurturing a landscape where stability and prosperity intertwine, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for generations yet unborn.

As the President embarks on his second year in office, the wisdom of Primate Ayodele’s foresight becomes increasingly essential. His prophetic insights not only foretold Nigeria’s challenges but also illuminated pathways to resolution. Now, as the nation stands at a crossroads, the President must heed these counsel to navigate through the complexities and lead Nigeria towards a brighter future.