Primate Ayodele Too Big And Busy To Reply Guru Maharaja ji, By Mark Ikemeji 🎊 The Scoper Media

Primate Elijah Ayodele, the esteemed founder and leader of INRI Spiritual Evangelical Church, stands far too preoccupied and distinguished to engage in a war of words with Guru Maharaji ji.

Primate Ayodele is deeply involved in numerous engagements and cannot afford distractions. He holds a significantly higher spiritual status and thus sees no reason to engage with Guru Maharaji, who lacks the spiritual capacity to match Ayodele’s level. Consequently, they exist in entirely different spiritual realms.

His assault on Ayodele reveals just how narrow-minded he is.

Guru Maharaja ji has highlighted that Primate Ayodele’s prophecy regarding the election did not materialize. Despite Ayodele’s confident predictions, the election results unfolded differently, casting doubt on his foresight. Maharaja ji’s observation has sparked discussions about the reliability of such prophecies and the unpredictability of political outcomes.

What has happened to Guru Maharaji Ji? Could this be a sign of a brain tumor? Such behavior seems out of character for someone who is truly connected with the divine and knowledgeable in spiritual matters.

Guru’s recent statements reveal a man struggling with declining fortunes and a lost sense of direction both with humanity and his creator. Many have accused him of being a charlatan, and now, I finally believe it.

 Let Guru Maharaji ji step into the spotlight and present to the world 1000 fulfilled prophecies or predictions clearly attributable to him. The challenge remains unmet.

Though I hesitate to label him worthless, it is undeniably tragic that a man who once proclaimed himself to be a deity now behaves so childishly.

I urged him to abandon his misguided pursuits and redirect his focus to the true divine path. Clearly, his current actions betray a lack of genuine faith; if he persists in this folly, I will have no choice but to address the matter directly.

Primate Ayodele, renowned for his profound spiritual insight and accuracy, stands as a testament to divine prophecy. With a staggering record of over 20,000 fulfilled predictions, his reputation as a genuine man of God is well established. In light of this, it is both perplexing and disheartening to witness any attacks against him.

The critical examination of Guru Maharaja Ji’s attack reveals a deeper, unsettling reality: the competitive spirit, jealousy, and hidden agendas among self-proclaimed spiritual leaders. This analysis uncovers how these so-called men of God, who outwardly profess divine virtues, often harbor disdain and secretive animosities toward their peers. Beneath their public facades of piety and wisdom, these individuals engage in covert and malicious schemes against one another, betraying the very principles they claim to uphold.

Guru Maharaji ji, now advanced in age and diminished in influence, finds himself grappling with a waning sense of purpose. His once revered voice, which once commanded respect and awe, has begun to echo with an unsettling dissonance. As he grows increasingly disconnected from the spiritual essence that once defined him, his actions and words start to clash with the profound wisdom he once imparted.

Recognizing the gravity of his situation, it is suggested that he seek solace in introspection and reconciliation with the divine. It would be fitting for him to retreat from public scrutiny and focus on seeking forgiveness and spiritual renewal. By retreating from the limelight and ceasing his attempts to influence significant spiritual figures, Guru Maharaji ji could find peace and clarity. This period of quiet reflection might offer him the opportunity to mend his spiritual path and restore his inner harmony.

Though I am not Yoruba, I stand firmly in Ayodele’s corner on this matter. He never uttered a curse nor spoke ill of you. It is, in fact, you who sought out conflict where none existed.

Dare to criticize Primate Ayodele, and you might find yourself facing a deluge of supporters who have thrived thanks to his prophecies and benevolence. The loyalty and gratitude of those he has empowered are unwavering, and they won’t hesitate to defend him vigorously.

I have been reading about him and recently delved into the teachings of a revered figure and came across a noteworthy individual named Marcus. It seems that the divine man, overwhelmed by his numerous responsibilities, might not have the time to respond to Guru Maharaja Ji. As a result, I have taken it upon myself to speak on his behalf. I suggest that Guru Maharaja Ji take a moment to rest and refrain from making disparaging comments about those chosen by the divine.

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