PRIMATE AYODELE’S PROPHECY RINGS TRUE: Tinubu Government Grapples With Taxation and Economic Turmoil 🎊 The Scoper Media 

Over the past year, Nigerians have endured significant turmoil in key sectors crucial for national prosperity. Economic and security challenges have persisted, plunging the nation into an unprecedented period of uncertainty and danger, casting a shadow over the once vibrant country.

In the intricate tapestry of our nation’s challenges, the figurehead at the helm, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, finds himself entwined in the fabric of responsibility. Blame cannot be untangled from his administration, for the policies woven into governance have become the threads of hardship gripping our country

In the realm of President Tinubu’s governance, the echoes of “Renewed hope” reverberated across the nation. Yet, within the corridors of everyday life, hopelessness cast its shadow, eclipsing the promises of a brighter tomorrow. Despite pledges to usher in an era of joy and prosperity, the populace found themselves ensnared in the web of disappointment as the administration swiftly transitioned from harbinger of dreams to purveyor of anguish. Innocent electorates bore the brunt of policies that seemed to prioritize pain over progress, leaving a bitter taste where once optimism flourished.

In the dawn of Nigeria’s renewed tribulations, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s inaugural decree shattered the nation’s calm: “Subsidy is gone.” In a cruel twist, within a mere day, petrol prices soared from N189 to an unprecedented N557 per litre, casting a shadow over the land of abundant oil. The once hopeful populace now grappled with the harsh reality of their leader’s proclamation, igniting a storm of discontent across Africa’s largest oil-producing nation.

In the midst of skepticism surrounding President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s candidacy, Nigerian prophet Primate Ayodele offered a prescient glimpse into the future of the APC government. Through his prophetic lens, he foresaw the potential outcomes awaiting Nigeria should the populace choose the ruling party. His insights illuminated the political landscape, adding depth to the discourse surrounding Tinubu’s candidacy and the trajectory of the APC administration.

Several Nigerians banked on the renewed hope mantra of President Tinubu but Primate Ayodele was that fearless voice warning Nigerians against voting for Tinubu or the All Progressive Congress (APC) because it would be a government of hardship for the country.

Some of his warnings were hinged on the state of Nigeria’s economy and security. In viral videos, he was heard saying voting for President Tinubu would lead Nigeria into a dungeon. In follow-up prophecies, He prophesied that Dollar will be sold for N1,500, fuel will be sold for N800/Litre, a bag of rice will be sold for N6500, to mention a few.

‘’ I’m not saying anyone should not insult me, I am not scared of any human being. If Nigeria votes APC in 2023, things will be tougher. We will see human beings and want to eat them like food. This is how God told me. I am not saying you should not criticize me or say anything against me even as an APC member, I warned you in 2015 too. You want to vote for lies in 2023, if you vote for the party that has a broom as their symbol, I pity churches. I am not against anybody and I don’t vote, Nigeria will be tough. If you vote and Tinubu enters, there will be serious problems.’’

‘’If Nigerians vote for APC in 2023, the country will sink, we will swim in poverty, and the economy will be in shambles. If APC wins, Nigeria will suffer extraordinarily. We have not yet seen hardship; if APC wins, the real hardship will come. The economy will be sick.’’

As the cleric foretold, citizens are swimming in serious poverty, food items have become unaffordable for the common man, the Nigerian economy has been struggling to breathe for one year without any significant headway and in short, Nigeria has been thrown into an endless dungeon.

Moreover, suffice to say that the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led administration, just as Primate Ayodele foretold, is one that is bent on making Nigerians suffer extraordinarily. The government through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) just recently introduced some taxes despite the current hardship faced by those who will still be required to pay the newly imposed taxes.

In a memo, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) ordered all commercial banks to impose a 0.5% levy on some electronic transactions. The fund is supposed to be transmitted to the Office of the National Security Adviser for the purpose of cyber security. The levy is imposed on the initiator of the transaction and not the receiver.

There is the stamp duty, the Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) charge, and the Value Added Tax. This is apart from the charges imposed by banks like the maintenance fee and the SMS charges.

Meanwhile, the introduction and increment of some of these taxes were all foretold by Primate Ayodele who warned the citizens against voting for another APC government.

In his 2024 prophecies which were released in December 2023, the cleric revealed that there will be an increase in tariffs and more taxes would be introduced for Nigerians in the coming year.

 â€˜â€™I foresee there will be a high cost of living as tariffs on goods and Services will be raised and taxes will be too high despite the fact that the goods are not contrabands. The spirit of God says the economy will still be very difficult to manage. The government needs to do something good for the people and seek the face of the Lord for divine direction.’’

In another video, he asserted that the government would increase stamp duty and Value added Tax (VAT).

‘’I am seeing an increase in stamp duties. The bank stamp duty will not be friendly to the people…it’s going to be a new thing that will come out. Also, increment in VAT will shut down the economy. The government must not try to increase it because it will make the economy tougher’’

In the intricate tapestry of divine revelations, Primate Elijah Ayodele emerges as a luminary, his prophecies a beacon of truth amidst the tumult of uncertainty. With a staggering repertoire of over 15,000 fulfilled prophecies, his credibility stands unassailable, a testament to the divine channel through which he operates.

Yet, in the cacophony of daily life, the electorate’s ears seem deafened to these celestial warnings. Their negligence, a poignant commentary on humanity’s propensity to overlook the divine amidst the clamor of the mundane.

Each fulfilled prophecy serves as a clarion call, a reminder of the interconnectedness of the celestial and terrestrial realms. Yet, the populace, ensnared in the trappings of worldly concerns, remains oblivious to the profound significance of these revelations.

In the enigmatic dance between prophecy and manifestation, lies a profound lesson: the imperative of heeding divine guidance amidst the tumult of human existence. For in the whispers of the divine, lie the keys to navigating the labyrinth of life with wisdom and foresight.

In conclusion however, as the horizon of 2027 looms, there’s a whisper of hope that Nigeria might transform into a vibrant land pulsating with optimism, energy, and health.