PROPHECIES OF PRIMATE AYODELE: A Wake-Up Call For Nigeria’s Influential Elites, By Osuji David🎊 The Scoper Media 

It is said knowledge is power. If you lack knowledge, you are at a disadvantage, and anyone more knowledgeable holds an upper hand. Such a person deserves respect, especially when discussing topics you know little about.

In Nigeria, influential figures in politics and business often fall into the trap of believing they know it all. Their achievements can make them overconfident, leading them to overlook the role of God in their lives. They dismiss His prophets, forgetting that they have no insight into what the future holds for them.

 The Bible teaches that “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” suggesting that understanding and awareness are vital for survival. When people are informed about what lies ahead, they can prepare and navigate through both good and bad times. However, ignorance leaves them vulnerable, making sudden destruction unavoidable. Knowledge equips individuals to face the future, while the absence of it leads to unforeseen calamities.

Prophets serve as God’s mouthpieces, through whom He communicates and reveals future events. According to the Bible, nothing occurs without prophets being informed by God in advance. However, it is surprising that many people today fail to recognize and acknowledge these divine messengers.

In every nation, there stands a prophet to guide the people. In Nigeria, that figure is Primate Elijah Ayodele of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church. Renowned for his prophetic insights, Primate Ayodele shares his visions daily across various platforms. His messages reach the masses through his annual prophecy book “Warnings to the Nations,” as well as prominent digital and print news media presence. His unwavering dedication to prophecy continues to shape and inspire the nation.

Primate Ayodele, known for his prophetic clarity, meticulously names individuals, corporations, and companies in his predictions, detailing what they can expect in the near future. His straightforward approach ensures that his messages are precise and easily understood.

Despite his proven track record, Primate Ayodele’s warnings about upcoming challenges often fall on deaf ears. Instead of heeding his advice, people dismiss him as a ‘prophet of doom.’ They fail to recognize the wisdom in his predictions and the solutions he offers to navigate these challenges successfully. If only they could appreciate the accuracy and insight behind  his prophecies, they might better prepare for what lies ahead.

Aliko Dangote, the chairman of the Dangote Group, has recently been in the spotlight like never before, launching a vocal defense of his multi-billion naira refinery amidst mounting controversy. For months, Dangote has been embroiled in what he characterizes as a high-stakes battle with the Nigerian government, which he accuses of undermining his ambitious project. The industrial magnate has abandoned his usual reserved demeanor, opting instead for a series of high-profile interviews where he passionately defends his business ventures and critiques the government’s actions.

 When Aliko Dangote unveiled his new refinery, Primate Ayodele issued a stark warning via social media. The prophet cautioned Dangote to tread carefully with government relations, foreseeing significant obstacles that would escalate into a clash with the authorities. Ayodele’s prophecy has come to pass, with the situation now tangled in complications that might have been avoided had his advice been heeded

Herbert Wigwe, the former Managing Director of Access Bank, tragically passed away, enduring a harrowing end alongside his wife and child. In a poignant twist, it emerged that years prior, Primate Ayodele had visited Wigwe at his office, urging him to seek divine intervention against untimely death. This haunting prophecy, now realized, adds a somber layer to the narrative of Wigwe’s untimely demise.

Reports suggest that Wigwe was unnerved by Primate Ayodele’s prophecies, which he dismissed as the ravings of a wizard due to their unsettling accuracy. Rather than heeding the warnings and taking proactive measures, Wigwe chose to ignore them. Tragically, the ominous predictions soon came to pass, underscoring the cost of his skepticism.

In 2020, amidst the global turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nigeria witnessed the loss of several prominent figures. During this tumultuous period, Primate Ayodele issued a stark warning, foreseeing that the virus would claim the lives of influential individuals. His prophecy cast a shadow over an already challenging time, underscoring the gravity of the crisis facing the nation and the world.

He cautioned them all: pray fervently and cleanse your spirits if you wish to survive the impending storm. But his words fell on deaf ears. As the wave of devastation struck, many ignored the warning, and consequently, a host of influential figures in politics and business met their untimely end.

Before the passing of Abba Kyari, the former chief of staff to ex-President Muhammadu Buhari, Primate Ayodele had warned of an impending need for spiritual cleansing at the presidential villa to ward off death and misfortune. Despite the warning, no such measures were taken, leading to the tragic outcome where the highest-ranking aide became the victim of the forewarned calamities.

Had former President Goodluck Jonathan heeded the prophetic warnings of Primate Elijah Ayodele, his presidency might have taken a different trajectory. Primate Ayodele had forewarned Jonathan about the repercussions of certain policies, which, unfortunately, alienated him from the Nigerian populace. The prophetic insights, if acted upon, might have altered the course of Jonathan’s administration and perhaps led to a different outcome.

Andy Uba, a prominent figure in Anambra politics, will likely remember Primate Ayodele for a long time due to his influence on the recent gubernatorial race. Prior to the APC primary, Primate Ayodele had predicted the fates of several candidates, foretelling the names of those who would not secure victory, regardless of their party endorsement. His accurate predictions cast a shadow over the political landscape, making his role in the election unforgettable for Uba and others in the fray.

Despite prophetic warnings that Andy Uba’s bid for governor of Anambra State was destined for failure, Uba dismissed the advice with contempt. The prophet, Primate Ayodele, had foretold that Uba’s campaign would be in vain, branding it a misuse of electoral opportunity. Ignoring this counsel, Uba launched a vehement media assault against Ayodele, hurling accusations and fabrications at the prophet. The result of his defiance was both swift and severe: Uba not only lost the election but was also disqualified from candidacy, his disregard for the prophecy leading to a dramatic and humbling fall from grace.

Pastor Ezena Friday, the NNPP’s candidate in Edo State, faced a harsh blow when Primate Ayodele predicted he would make no impact in the election. Undeterred, Friday launched a vigorous media offensive against the prophet. Despite his efforts, he has since faded into obscurity, no longer even making headlines.

Similarly, in a dramatic turn of events, Primate Ayodele, a renowned prophet, issued a stark warning to Gabon’s then-president, Ali Bongo, advising him to step down voluntarily to avoid a military coup. Ignoring this counsel, Bongo’s refusal led to a swift and decisive takeover by the military. Similarly, during the last US presidential election, Primate Ayodele cautioned the Republican Party against nominating Donald Trump. Despite the prophetic advice, Trump was chosen as the candidate, and the Republicans ultimately faced a significant electoral defeat.

 He cautioned Rishi Sunak of the looming threat to his position as UK Prime Minister, foresaw George Weah’s imminent defeat in Liberia’s presidential race, and highlighted the growing concerns over Joe Biden’s health challenges, among other critical issues.

Recently, news broke of the untimely death of a distinguished politician and the senator for Anambra South, who passed away in the United Kingdom at the age of 52. The announcement has come as a profound shock, as he had been vigorously active just weeks before his recent trip abroad. His sudden demise has left many stunned and mourning the loss of a committed public servant.

Primate Ayodele had long been vocal about Ifeanyi Ubah’s aspirations to become the next governor of Anambra State. Despite his untimely death, Ubah’s quest for the gubernatorial seat remained fervent. Earlier this year, he joined the APC to advance his political dreams and recently made headlines by contributing a substantial N50 million to the party.

Primate Ayodele has prophesied that Ifeanyi Ubah will be the one to topple the current governor, Charles Soludo, provided that the APC grants him their governorship ticket.

 In a series of interviews, the prophet confidently predicted that Ifeanyi Ubah was poised to become the next governor of Anambra State. However, during the launch of his annual prophecy book, Warnings To The Nations, on July 6, 2024, Primate Ayodele delivered a surprising update. He now forecasts significant obstacles ahead for Ubah’s gubernatorial aspirations, signaling that the path to power may be fraught with challenges.

 In the prophecy booklet, He cautioned the senators to earnestly pray, emphasizing that losing even a single senator could have dire consequences

‘’ THE SENATE: The Body will have a lot of issues/motions to put in order as they will be immersed in a lot of controversies. The members must pray not to lose any Senator as I foresee that some principal officers will be changed. The Senate will fight because of money The Body must rebuke fire outbreaks in their chambers and it will also take drastic decisions in addressing developmental issues of the Government. Let the Senate be wary of rowdy session’’

Primate Ayodele, a renowned Nigerian prophet, initially predicted that Ifeanyi Ubah had the prowess to challenge and potentially unseat Governor Charles Soludo in the Anambra state gubernatorial race. However, in a surprising turn, Primate Ayodele later warned of significant hurdles facing Ubah’s bid for the governorship. This shift in prophecy raises questions about what new revelations or developments led the prophet to foresee obstacles where once there was only promise. It suggests that unforeseen challenges or changes in the political landscape might be shaping Ubah’s path to power.

 It is widely believed that Primate Ayodele glimpsed a prophetic vision before he turned to caution that a prominent politician would encounter significant challenges. This insight underscores the importance for politicians and influential figures to heed the warnings from respected prophets like Ayodele, whose track record of accurate predictions commands considerable credibility.

Although Primate Ayodele may not have directly specified the exact challenges Ifeanyi Ubah would encounter, nor did he explicitly urge the Senate to pray for Ubah’s safety, his prophetic insights into Ubah’s career clearly hinted at underlying issues. His forecasts, filled with cryptic forewarnings, suggest that he had a vision of potential difficulties awaiting the politician. The nature of his prophecies indicates that he foresaw turbulence and trials on Ubah’s path, even if he didn’t detail them explicitly.

In Nigeria, the powerful may wield influence in business and politics, and their success may be unparalleled. Yet, there are forces beyond their control, reminders that some things remain forever outside their grasp. Despite their achievements and knowledge, the immutable truths of existence continue to hold sway, transcending their reach and authority.

A prophet, though often lacking in material wealth, serves as a divine envoy. His true value lies in his role as a messenger of God. It is wise to seek his counsel, especially when he imparts revelations that are beyond ordinary understanding. In times of confusion or uncertainty, his insights can illuminate paths unseen and bring clarity to the divine will.

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