PROPHETIC WAVE: The Efficacy Of Primate Ayodele’s Prophetic Ministry Travels To Slovakia 🎊 The Scoper Media


Primate Elijah Ayodele of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church has made a global impact with his prophetic ministry, reaching virtually every continent and country. His influence and spiritual insights have touched lives far and wide, making his name known around the world.

Following Jesus Christ’s command to His disciples to spread the gospel worldwide, Primate Ayodele’s prophetic ministry, founded on the teachings of Christ, has transcended local boundaries and reached the far corners of the Earth. His mission echoes the biblical mandate, extending his spiritual influence globally and touching lives across continents.

Primate Ayodele leads a limitless ministry, transcending walls and boundaries. His prophetic reach knows no bounds, extending to every corner of the globe, including the most obscure nations. With divine guidance, his prophetic voice resonates wherever there is air, making his ministry truly universal.

Renowned for the remarkable accuracy and profound impact of his predictions, Primate Ayodele has cemented his status as one of the world’s foremost prophets. His unparalleled track record of over 15,000 fulfilled prophecies has elevated him to the pinnacle of prophetic influence, making him a global icon in the realm of foresight. His prophecies, consistently coming to fruition, underscore his exceptional gift and the invaluable contributions he makes to society.

To solidify his reputation as a global prophet, his 2024 prediction about an assassination attempt on a sitting prime minister came true yesterday in Slovakia, a Central European nation. This event underscores his far-reaching influence and uncanny foresight.

In a shocking turn of events, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico narrowly escaped death after being shot in an assassination attempt on Wednesday, the government office reported. The incident, which has sent ripples through the nation, left Fico with life-threatening injuries. Authorities are now in a race against time to uncover the motive behind this brazen attack and bring the perpetrators to justice.

In the heart of Handlova, a shocking incident unfolded as 59-year-old Fico was struck by five bullets on Wednesday. Rushed to the hospital in critical condition, he endured several grueling hours of emergency surgery, leaving the town in suspense about his fate.

The shocking incident reverberated through Slovakia, a small central European nation unaccustomed to political violence. Known for its peaceful streets and tranquil political climate, the country now grapples with the unthinkable.

In his 2024 prophecies concerning global events, Primate Ayodele issued a grave warning, urging people to pray fervently against the assassination of a prime minister. His predictions, always closely watched, took on an urgent tone as he highlighted the potential for such a tragic event. Ayodele’s call for global prayers underscores the precariousness of political leadership and the need for divine intervention to prevent such a crisis.

‘’The voice of the Lord whispered to me that in 2024 we must pray against the assassination of a sitting President, a former President, a Prime Minister and a former Prime Minister whose assassination will be successful. Let us pray against a coup in Africa or mounting pressure or uprising that can lead to the removal of a sitting President. The spirit of God says there will be a lot of financial crises globally’’

When Primate Ayodele first shared his prophecy, critics misquoted him in an attempt to undermine his message. However, now that the prophecy has come true in Slovakia, even the most skeptical voices must acknowledge the accuracy and credibility of Primate Ayodele’s prediction.

On the international stage, Primate Ayodele’s prophecies regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict have eerily mirrored current events. Before hostilities erupted, he cautioned world leaders to intervene to prevent a deadly escalation. His warnings went unheeded, and mere months later, his predictions came to pass as the war began, claiming many lives.

He had predicted that Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would not relent in his plans to attack Rafah, a city in Palestine. True to his words, the Israeli army launched an attack on Rafah several weeks ago. Additionally, he foresaw the death of Nobel Laureate Alice Munro, which also came to pass.

Yesterday’s tragic attack on Muslims praying in a mosque in Kano eerily aligns with a prophecy made by Primate Ayodele. In an interview late last year, the prophet had specifically urged Nigerians to pray against the threat of violence at religious gatherings. His warning now appears hauntingly prescient as the nation grapples with this recent act of brutality.

Primate Ayodele’s prophetic ministry has significantly enriched many lives, earning him widespread acclaim. A dedicated Nigerian, he consistently fulfills his ministerial duties by sharing frequent prophecies. As a global icon, he has demonstrated remarkable credibility in his prophetic work.