TAF Presents Maiden Report, Solicits Support For Better Impact √√ The Scoper Media


    As part of activities marking its second anniversary, Tamilore Areola Foundation (TAF), on Saturday, presented its first report to volunteers, donors and  partners at a fundraising ceremony in Lagos. 

The event, which was held at the Upper Pavilion of the Ikeja Golf Club House, also featured a trophy presentation to winners of the First TAF Charity Golf Tournament.

Presenting the foundation’s scorecard at the ceremony, co-founder Tamilore Areola Foundation, Jeffrey Adebayo, thanked sponsors, donors and volunteers for their support in the past two years. He stated that TAF has impacted lives under its Charity, New Path, and Isinmi Fund (healthcare) initiatives.

“The foundation provided food and gift packs to over 600 people in Oworonshoki Community, Lagos, in 2022, in celebration of Tamilore’s posthumous birthday. In January 2023, TAF partnered with the Solid Teens and Youth Initiatives to reach out to The Children’s Correctional Centre in Mishin, Lagos, giving out food, clothing, books and other gifts. Four teenagers in the centre will be sponsored to attend the annual nine-day Solid Teens camp this month. 

“On entrepreneurial development, we organised a free workshop on 25th March 2022, for young entrepreneurs seeking to improve their business strategies. A grant of N100,000 was given to two participants with the best business proposals. A two-day hands-on fashion workshop was also organised for 20 fashion enthusiasts in partnership with Lawiza Fashion. Two outstanding participants were sponsored to a top fashion house in Lagos for a three-month course.

“TAF’s ‘Startup to Scaleup’, organised in April 2023, was targeted at startup entrepreneurs seeking upscaling guidance. The event featured sessions on ethical scaling and social media marketing, with two participants receiving business grants of N100,000 each. Isinmi, TAF’s healthcare arm, aimed at supporting cancer patients aged 25 years and below, found and supported a patient with  N1,000,000.00 in financial assistance,” he said. 

Reeling out TAF’s future plans, Adebayo said the foundation aims to do more under the Isinmi, Charity and New Path activities yearly if provided with needed resources and support.

In his keynote address at the ceremony, President of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), Mr. Steve Babaeko said: “The foundation’s commitment to charity, entrepreneurship and healthcare speaks volumes about what can be accomplished if hands and minds unite. Today, I stand as an advocate, I encourage you all to be part of this journey. Partner with TAF, donate to their course and volunteer your time and expertise. When we come together, we have the power to create waves of change that touch lives far and wide. 

“To the beneficiaries of TAF initiatives, I urge you to embrace the spirit of giving back; pay it forward. Your journey from beneficiaries to contributors can shape the journey of countless others. Your experiences serve as a testament to the impact that TAF had and can continue to make. Let us remember that empowering waves, impacting the world, one life at a time, is not just a theme, but a call to action. Let’s be moved by the spirit of transformation that TAF embodies.”

Earlier in the day, 120 golfers from different clubs across the country took part in the TAF’s Charity Golf Tournament at the Ikeja Golf Club course.  Mrs. Chichi Alamu won the female category, while Vice Captain, Ikeja Golf Club, Babatunde Ojo, emerged overall winner with a score of 82 gross, handicap 17, and 65 net. Founded in memory of the late Tamilore Areola, TAF was aimed at charity, entrepreneurship, and healthcare, with a vision for spreading love and touching as many lives as possible.

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