TECH-DRIVEN WASTE MANAGEMENT: Lagos May Introduce Smart Bins To Tackle Waste Management Challenges 🎊 The Scoper Media

…as Traditional chief, baba oja, more residents clamour for return of monthly sanitation exercise

In a bid to enhance cleanliness across the state, the Lagos State Government is ramping up its monthly sanitation awareness program. As part of these efforts, the government has announced an innovative plan to introduce smart waste bins for every household. These advanced bins will help streamline waste management, promote recycling, and ensure a cleaner, greener Lagos for all residents

During the ongoing weekly sanitation awareness and cleaning exercise at Ajeromi Local Government, Special Adviser on Environment, Mr. Olakunle Rotimi-Akodu, highlighted the critical impact of improper waste disposal on public health. Leading a team of state officials, Rotimi-Akodu emphasized that indiscriminate waste disposal significantly contributes to the spread of communicable diseases. He urged the community to adopt better waste management practices to improve overall hygiene and reduce disease prevalence.

Accompanied by the Permanent Secretaries, Mr. Gaji Omobolaji from the Office of Environmental Services and Engr Mahamood Adegbite from the Office of Drainage Services, Akodu emphasized the critical importance of maintaining a cleaner environment. He stressed that achieving this goal necessitates a united effort from both the government and the citizens.

Akodu emphasized the importance of the newly introduced Smart Bin in tracking the performance of PSP operators and the waste disposal habits of Lagos residents. He urged both locals and market leaders to prioritize maintaining a clean environment as they conduct their daily activities.

The Special Adviser expressed regret over the cholera outbreak in Lagos State, attributing it to the ongoing unsanitary practices of some residents. He highlighted that such persistent hygiene issues are a significant factor contributing to the spread of the disease in the area.

He emphasized that the team is launching a weekly initiative aimed at transforming public attitudes and fostering a culture of environmental cleanliness. The goal is to inspire citizens to embrace a cleaner, more conscientious approach to their surroundings.

“We want to work more with the people and raise the bar on good sanitary practices; we are ramping up our advocacy and sensitization to achieve a positive change and ideology of the people” he said.

 He maintained that the current Administration is committed to ensuring a clean environment and enhancing residents’ well-being. However, it is troubling to observe that many roads, medians, markets, and motor parks throughout the city are marred by litter. This refuse is the result of residents neglecting to use the waste management services provided by Private Sector Participants (PSPs).

During the cleanup effort, it was discovered that the stretch of Marine Beach and Mobil Road extending to the Ajegunle boundary and Alayabiagba Market was heavily littered with waste. Among the heaps of garbage, a tragic find was made: the body of a baby was discovered on the roadside. This stark reality underscores the urgent need for everyone to cease the harmful practice of polluting our environment and to take responsibility for keeping our surroundings clean.

He recalled that last year, the Alayabiagba market faced closure due to unsanitary practices among its traders. Despite efforts to improve conditions, the market is now straying from the government’s established standards since its reopening

In a recent update from the weekly Community Sanitation Exercise and Advocacy campaign, it was reported that there is a strong public desire for the reinstatement of the Monthly Environmental Sanitation Exercise across the state. The feedback gathered clearly shows that residents are eager to see this important initiative return, highlighting their commitment to maintaining a cleaner and healthier environment.

“We must therefore stop littering our market, and motor parks with wastes, we must bag our wastes in our respective market and homes and ensure we patronize PSP operators, stop creating illegal dumpsites on road medians, kerbs, open spaces, and road setbacks and start policing our environment”, he emphasized.

He urged community and market leaders to raise awareness about the hazards of illegal dumping on road medians, highlighting the concerning accumulation of waste along Marine Beach and Mobil Road. His appeal emphasized the need for proactive education to prevent environmental damage and maintain public health in these areas.

Dr. Muyiwa Gbadegesin, the Managing Director, recently revealed an exciting development for waste management in the state. He announced that the State Government is set to introduce Smart Bins equipped with advanced notification technology. These bins will feature embedded chips that alert the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) if Private Sector Participation (PSP) Operators miss their scheduled waste pickups. This innovation aims to enhance waste collection efficiency and ensure timely service for all households.

On the basis of this however, He emphasized that maintaining a safe, clean, and sustainable environment is a collective responsibility shared by all residents, not just the government. He urged everyone to adopt good sanitation practices as a daily habit and actively support governmental efforts to enhance environmental well-being.

Community leaders in Ajeromi Ifelodun, including the Baale, Babaloja, and CDC Chairman, have collectively urged the State Government to rethink its decision on implementing a monthly sanitation exercise. Their unified appeal highlights concerns about the impact of this new policy on local residents and calls for a reconsideration of its introduction.

Similarly, there has been a growing demand for more waste police to combat littering in our neighborhoods. Just a short while ago, many markets and areas were well-regulated by dedicated waste management officers. Now, the call is stronger than ever for additional LAWMA officers to be recruited to keep our streets clean and free of litter. The need for these officers has never been more urgent as communities strive to maintain their cleanliness and promote a healthier environment.

The Special Adviser was joined by a distinguished entourage, including Dr. Muyiwa Gbadegesin, the Managing Director of LAWMA; Mrs. Toun Popoola, the General Manager of LASPARK; Major Olatunbosun Cole (Rtd), the KAI Marshal; Engr. Adefemi Afolabi, the General Manager of LASWMO; and several high-ranking Directors from the ministry. This impressive team worked together to ensure the success of their mission, each bringing their expertise and leadership to the forefront.

In conclusion however, the team embarked on an exploratory journey through the vibrant neighborhoods of Mobil Road, Apapa, Ajeromi, and Ajegunle, culminating their day at the bustling Alayabiagba market. Each location offered a unique glimpse into the local life and dynamics, making for an insightful and enriching experience.

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