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Tony Elumelu Advocates For National Renewal And Collaborative Nation-Building At NBA Conference √√ The Scoper Media 



      Tony O. Elumelu, founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, delivered a powerful speech at the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Annual General Conference, emphasizing the need for unity and collaborative efforts in nation-building.

Elumelu, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, expressed gratitude to Yakubu Maikyau, President of the NBA, for the opportunity to speak and commended the choice of the topic. He highlighted the collective ambition shared by the attendees – to witness a true renaissance in Nigeria.

Similarly, acknowledging the immense potential of the country, Elumelu emphasized that Nigerians excel in various fields globally. From international leadership positions to business, arts, sports, and technology, the accomplishments of Nigerians are noteworthy. He specifically mentioned UBA (United Bank for Africa) as an African bank with a global presence and highlighted the broad impact of Nigerian businesses on the world stage.

However, Elumelu acknowledged that these successes remain limited and rare. He addressed the pressing issues faced by Nigeria, such as energy deficits, disillusioned youth seeking opportunities abroad, oil theft, and pipeline destruction, as well as the daily impact of climate change. Insecurity and division were also identified as obstacles that hinder progress and national unity.

Elumelu stressed that nation-building is a crucial, collective responsibility that demands the involvement of all stakeholders. He described it as an intricate process of forging a cohesive and united society, transcending individual interests and creating a shared identity, purpose, and vision. He emphasized that this responsibility should not rest solely on the government, but also on the private sector, philanthropies, civil society, and individual citizens.

Highlighting the need for a fundamental renewal of Nigeria’s social and economic infrastructure, Elumelu commended the tough economic decisions that have been made to drive progress. He called for collaboration, unity, and empowerment of all sectors in order to reset Nigeria and build a prosperous future.

To cap it all, Tony Elumelu’s speech at the NBA Annual General Conference in Abuja drew attention to the importance of nation-building and the necessity for collective efforts to drive Nigeria’s social and economic transformation. His inspiring words encouraged collaboration and unity among all stakeholders to realize a brighter future for the nation.

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