UNLOCKING THE SECRETS OF LASTING LOVE: Professionals Empower Individuals And Families With Tools For Building Strong Intimate And Marital Bonds By Cleopatra Eki ๐ŸŽŠ The Scoper Media




ย  ย  Concerned about boosting intimacy and marriage bond among singles, married spouses to wax stronger and fix broken relationships in the society.
Sex education coach and family expert Uzo Ododo Oba organised a white pool party to revamp marriage and relationships at Shodex Garden Anthony Village Lagos.

Convener and media expert advises singles and married persons to listen, spend quality time and bond together for meaningful and healthy relationships.

Ododo-Oba urges families and stakeholders to resolve issues or mistakes rather than quarrelling with themselves, if not settled, they could consult certified professional counselors not quacks.

She is popularly known using her programme titled Night Jolly on WAZOBIAFM Lagos for bonding families and mending battered homes , giving sex education and counselling the society.
Over the years, Ododo-Oba has been overwhelmed by the positive testimonies of celebrated marriages, reports of singles mingling with right partners, couples waxing stronger in marriages through all her platforms.

She appreciated the support of sponsors, partners, people from diaspora and WAZOBIA FM and fans for all her programmes, projects and for the needy.
Another special guest and sex coach, Soul Spice told couples to invest on their sex life and education as they invest on all aspect of their life.

She advised them to study the anatomy of their body, how they can manage the sex drive and libidos while their spouses are away or travelled.

Soul Spice urged them to avail themselves for different workshops that will improve their sex life, Couples should learn to use different flavored lubricants and sex tools if they wish to. Spice observed that most of the families have boring sex life at home because they are not flexible and innovative.

The Sex expert encourages spouses to revamp their sex life, avoid distraction from parents, children or work and enjoy wonderful moments.
Speaking to LadyJudith, a female single and participant appreciated all her programmes, and even the widows, single persons living with disability [PLWD] and other vulnerable persons are not left out of the programme.”

The highpoint of the event, James Expensive WAZOBIA OAP and Solid AC were Masters of Ceremony, adding comedy and spices to the event , DJ lndo thrilled the audience with good music, Ratata did magic with his song titled” If no be God, MC Fred formerly known MC Shaggi, Uche Nwayucha added spices to event.

There were also activities including couple games, singles game , comedy, music, snacks, fingers food, grilled fish served with fried yams drinks sampling, freebies and entertainment

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