Why Primate Ayodele Deserves OFR Recognition For His Outstanding Contributions To Spiritual Leadership – By Prince Ayo Adegboye 🎊 The Scoper Media

I will begin my piece with this fantastic quote:  Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” This profound wisdom seems to have been forgotten in today’s African Christianity, where the spirit of selfless service often takes a backseat.

The greatest sin is not the inability to love another, but the exploitation of communal resources for selfish gain. Today, many of our elites and religious leaders are guilty of this transgression

Primate Ayodele stands as a beacon of hope in African Christendom during these challenging times. His unwavering faith and devotion mark him as a man truly after God’s own heart, providing much-needed spiritual guidance and inspiration to many.

Primate Ayodele stands apart, not merely claiming a divine calling like many who seek to deceive, but as a man who faithfully and reverently follows God’s guidance, ever mindful of the day he must account for his actions. With nearly three decades of experience in media, he has dedicated the past seventeen years to his religious mission, embodying a commitment to spiritual integrity and accountability.

Primate Ayodele stands out as one of the rare individuals in today’s world who can genuinely be called a true servant of God. Recognizing a true servant of God involves seeing their authentic concern and love for others, transcending barriers of religion, tribe, and other differences. A genuine servant of God exudes compassion and love universally, embracing everyone regardless of their background.

A genuine servant of God is unwaveringly dedicated to the true gospel of Christ, embodying the path of following Jesus. Today, can we confidently say that our spiritual leaders operate within this sacred realm?

For the past fifteen years, I have closely observed Primate Ayodele, a remarkable example of a genuine servant of God. His unwavering concern for people, irrespective of their faith, sets him apart. Ayodele embodies Christ-like love, consistently demonstrating devotion to the true gospel through his selfless actions and unwavering commitment to following Jesus.

Primate Ayodele stands out as a unique figure in Nigeria today, known for his unwavering commitment to serving others selflessly. Unlike many others in his position, he uses his resources to help people without any bias or favoritism, truly embodying the spirit of service and generosity.

Through the years, I’ve witnessed Primate Ayodele’s remarkable dedication to uplifting the less fortunate across various faiths. His generosity knows no bounds, from providing cars and motorbikes to offering low-cost housing units and essential food items. His latest endeavor, the construction of an ultra-modern health center, stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the community. His acts of kindness are not only commendable but serve as an inspiring example for others to follow.

For three decades, Primate Ayodele has steadfastly remained a beacon of authenticity in the prophetic realm, while others faltered and strayed from their path. Many preachers, once akin to him, have veered off course over time. Yet, Primate Ayodele stands unwavering, a testament to the enduring power of genuine prophecy amidst the transient tides of the world.

In the golden era of Primate Ayodele’s reign, preachers once favored by the elite find themselves adrift, devoid of the divine connection that defined their paths. As Ayodele’s brilliance shines forth, their past glories fade into obscurity, leaving them stranded in a sea of mediocrity.

In today’s world, some preachers amass wealth through deceit, ignoring the inevitable day of judgment. However, Primate Ayodele stands as a beacon of authenticity, embodying the true essence of a servant of God. His example should be embraced and supported by all, reminding us of the importance of genuine faith and integrity in our spiritual leaders.

In addressing the myriad challenges facing the nation, the current government should adopt a Christ-like approach, embodying compassion, empathy, and selflessness. Primate Ayodele’s outstanding contributions merit national recognition through a prestigious award, not only as a token of appreciation but also as inspiration for others to follow suit.

Conclusively, as President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, an influential figure, it’s imperative to support this revered servant of God while he’s still among us. Encouraging his endeavors would not only honor his dedication but also inspire others to follow in his footsteps. Let’s seize this opportunity to uplift and celebrate his noble contributions to society.

Prince Ayo Adegboye is a Public Analyst and a Publisher. He can be reached through: cityplusmedia57@gmail.com