EMPOWERING DIVERSITY: 7 Stars lnter-Global Property, Canvasses lnclusion For Persons With Disabilities, By Cleopatra Eki 🎊 The Scoper Media

The Chairman 7 Stars lnter-Global Property, Ambassador Moses Chukwuma Ezenwaka has stressed the need for equal opportunities and inclusiveness for People Living With Disabilities.

He urged stakeholders to continuously support these special persons to add their quota to nation – building.
He said, the Easter party is to put smiles on the faces of 80 people and children at Pluto 10 Hotel Onosa Lekki Lagos.The group gave food stuff and cash gifts to members of the foundation to assist them .”

He appealed to governments and the society to cater for people living with Disabilities Sometimes unforeseen occurrences, might make people prone to becoming disable either through accident, old age, diseases or other ailments.

Ezenwaka added that they need empathy and not pity. Recalled that he was moved by Kelly Blind- a blind person giving back to other blind on the social media. He disclosed that he is now a part of this family.

Speaking, Ambassador Kelly Blind, president lnner eyes foundation emphasised the need for government corporate bodies and Nigerians to prioritise social equity and inclusion of disabled people in the society, without discrimination.

He lamented that over 23 million of clusters of persons of disability are being, neglected, cheated and abandoned in the Programmes and policies of the country.

He said PLWDs should not be left in terms of gainful employment, education, vocational training, skill and employment programmes, saying together, a world where diversity is embraced and everyone regardless of their physical abilities is allowed to grow and can be built.

The lnner Eyes Foundation also celebrate the indomitable spirit of individuals with disabilities and as a group for remarkable contributions to entrepreneurship and society.

Recently our members have been faced with illegal demolition of building by some community touts at lbeju Lekki due to discrimination, abuse of power, and lack of empathy.These affected members are homeless and on the streets now. We are calling on Lagos State government and relevant authorities to address the issues. urgently .

According to him, the foundation stands resolute in addressing the plights of members in difficult situations to overcome challenges and achieve their aspirations.
Mrs Ekaete William, women leader of the foundation said clusters of disability are the worse hit in this perilous times. She urged government to address better life and co-existence in the society not paying lip service.

She added that people with disability are strong, diligent and goal driven. While others need a lot of motivation, inspiration to accomplish their daily and future tasks with ease.

Speaking on behalf of the foundation,”We appreciate the celebration and gesture 7 Stars lnter-Global Property, Mr Sunday Eze Hotelier , stakeholders and friends for the food stuff and cash gifts to members of the foundation.” It is a kind gesture especially in the difficult times.-William concluded.