Stocks were moderately weaker in the just-concluded week, further surrendering to the sheer force of desperation by some investors to cash in on recently accumulated gains ahead of others.
The trend is having vile implications for sentiment, and that could be worsened by the gloom already created by the absence of investors’ cash needed to lift trade and share prices back to the levels they were before the pandemic struck.
As several equities, notably bank shares, stay undervalued on this score, the fact they are priced low and hold prospects of appreciating when the market is buoyant is a good reason for them to be considered for investment.
Another mirror investors may want to look into at the entry point is the strong earnings of some firms at half-year and the dividend/bonus announcements that have followed.
Number of stocks with fundamentals and another potential, adopting key analytical approaches to save you the hassle of randomly picking equities for investment.
The selection, a product of analytical market watch, offers a guide to entering the market and take strategic positions in hopes that equities will gain value with the passage of time, particularly in the short term.This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation. You may have to involve your financial advisor before making investment decisions.