Avoiding eating certain foods may help people with arthritis manage their symptoms. This can include avoiding inflammatory fats, foods with added sugar, high salt foods, nightshades, and foods high in purines.
Consuming certain foods may also be beneficial for managing symptoms. This can include consuming a diet rich in whole fruits and vegetables and focusing on anti-inflammatory fats.
A registered dietitian can provide more information about anti-inflammatory diets and help a person create a suitable eating plan to manage arthritis while ensuring that they get enough essential nutrients.
Read on to learn more about foods a person with arthritis may choose to limit in their diet. This article also discusses foods to eat, anti-inflammatory diets, and more.
Foods to limit
Limiting intake of certain types of food may help a person manage symptoms of arthritis.
Several types of fat can increase inflammation in the body. According to the Arthritis Foundation, a person with arthritis should limit the following types:
Several oils, such as corn, safflower, sunflower, and vegetable oils, contain high levels of these acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are not harmful in moderation, but many people consume a lot of them.
Meat, butter, and cheese contain this type of fat. Saturated fat should account for less than 10% trusted foods of total daily calorie intake for people ages 2 years and older.
This type of fat can be harmful because it reduces “good” cholesterol levels, increases “bad” cholesterol levels, and increases inflammation.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned partially hydrogenated oils, a major source of artificial trans fats, from prepared foods in 2018 Trusted Source
. But some processed foods may still contain them, so it is best to check the nutrition label and ingredients list to be sure.
This indicates that people who drink regular sugar-sweetened soda have an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Frequent consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages can also contribute
Trusted Source to obesity, inflammation, and other chronic conditions.
Many foods contain added sugars. Always check labels for information about how much added sugar a product contains.
Foods and drinks that may add a lot of sugar to a person’s diet include:
- cakes
- pastries
- cookies
- jams and other sweet spreads
- white bread
- soft drinks
- fruit juice
- some types of alcohol, such as beer and cider
- condiments such as ketchup, relish, and barbecue sauce
Excessive intake of salt, or sodium, may increase a person’s risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as RA. It may also Trusted Source worsen RA symptoms. People should aim to consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg)
Trusted Source of sodium (about 1 teaspoon of salt) per day.
High sodium foods that a person may wish to avoid include:
- pizza
- burgers
- fast food tacos and burritos
- deli meat sandwiches
- chips and other savory snacks
Avoiding packaged foods and cooking with fresh ingredients may also help reduce a person’s sodium intake.
Nightshades are vegetables that contain the compound solanine.
Some research Trusted Source suggests that solanine-containing vegetables may interfere with the gut microbiota and indirectly increase inflammation.
The Arthritis Foundation advises that people who suspect that nightshades may worsen their symptoms should exclude these foods from their diet for a couple of weeks and then reintroduce them one at a time.
Nightshade vegetables include:
- tomatoes
- bell peppers
- chili peppers
- eggplant
- potatoes
Keeping a food diary may help a person keep track of any reactions they have to a specific food. If any nightshades trigger symptoms upon reintroduction, it is best for a person to exclude these vegetables from their diet.
For people with gout, a doctor may advise a low purine diet in addition to medications.
Purines are substances in foods that the body converts to uric acid. Uric acid can build up in the bloodstream, causing a gout attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Trusted Source, the following foods and drinks are high in purines:
- organ meats, such as liver
- red meat
- some seafood, including:
- anchovies
- mussels
- sardines
- scallops
- trout
- tuna
- beer and other alcohol
However, a 2018 review notes that some purine-rich vegetables, such as cauliflower, mushrooms, and beans, have no links to gout risk.
6. Advanced glycation end (AGE) products
AGE products are inflammatory compounds that can build up in tissues, particularly as people age. People with conditions such as RA often have increased AGE levels. Lowering AGE levels may help reduce inflammation.
Fat and sugar both increase AGE levels in the body, and some food processing methods and high temperature cooking increase the AGE levels in foods.
Foods high in dietary AGEs include Trusted Source
- fried bacon
- roasted poultry skin
- pizza
- some cheeses, such as Parmesan and cream cheese
- salty snacks such as potato chips and crackers
- butter and margarine
Diets high in processed meats, red meat, and dairy may worsen Trusted Source RA symptoms. Some studies
Trusted Source have also linked red meat intake with early onset of RA.
Types of red meat include:
- beef
- goat
- lamb
- mutton
- veal
- venison
- pork
Diets high in refined carbohydrates may increase inflammation in people with arthritis. Refined carbohydrate consumption can also increase insulin resistance and has an association with a higher risk of obesity. Both of these are risk factors for arthritis.
Refined carbohydrates include added sugars and grains that undergo additional processing, which removes fiber and nutrients. Examples of foods high in refined grains include:
- white bread
- many baked goods
- desserts
While more research is necessary in this area, a small 2020 study Trusted Source suggests that a low carbohydrate diet can reduce pain symptoms in people with knee osteoarthritis.
Can diet help arthritis?
Eating certain foods can help people:
- reduce inflammation levels in their bodies
- maintain a moderate weight
- promote tissue health and healing
Usually, inflammation protects the body from harm by defending against infection and aiding wound healing. However, when inflammation persists for a long time, chronic symptoms can develop.
The foods a person eats have an impact on inflammation levels. Some foods can promote inflammation, while others are anti-inflammatory.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, numerous studies show that anti-inflammatory foods can reduce arthritis pain and progression.
A person’s body weight also influences inflammation levels. Fat cells produce cytokines, which are immune cells that increase inflammation.
Certain dietary habits may help a person reach or maintain a moderate weight, which can reduce inflammation and joint pressure.
Finally, some types of arthritis have specific trigger foods. For example, foods high in purines can contribute Trusted Source to a gout attack. Changing the diet to avoid trigger foods may help.
Consuming the following foods may benefit people with arthritis.
Anti-inflammatory fats
The Arthritis Foundation lists the following as types of fat that can reduce inflammation:
- Unsaturated fats: These include olive oil, avocado oil, and nuts and seeds. Extra-virgin olive oil contains the compound oleocanthal, which has anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen.
- Omega-3 fatty acids: Oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, and herring, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers recommend eating at least two servings of oily fish per week. Alternatively, a person can take a fish oil supplement. Walnuts and flaxseed, as well as their oils, are excellent vegan omega-3 sources.
Fruits and vegetables
Trusted Source indicates that plant-based diets can decrease RA symptoms. These diets are typically rich in anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables and naturally avoid many common RA trigger foods.
The following fruits and vegetables may be especially beneficial for people with arthritis:
- Onions, garlic, and leeks: All of these contain the anti-inflammatory compound quercetin. They also contain sulfur compounds that may reduce cartilage damage.
- Sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots: Orange and red vegetables contain carotenoids, which are antioxidants.
- Green, leafy vegetables: Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Swiss chard, and spinach contain calcium, which is essential for bone health. They also contain antioxidants.
- Citrus fruits, strawberries, and kiwi fruit: According to the National Institutes of Health
- Trusted Source
- , foods high in vitamin C help protect bone and cartilage. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant.
Anti-inflammatory diet
Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help people stay healthy and avoid the symptoms of chronic inflammation. One of the most researched anti-inflammatory diets is the Mediterranean diet.
The Mediterranean diet focuses on the following foods:
- olive oil
- whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
- lean meats, eggs, and fish
- nuts and seeds
The diet also includes moderate amounts of dairy products but limits added sugar, alcohol, and red meat.
The Arthritis Foundation notes that a Mediterranean diet may reduce inflammation and pain in people with osteoarthritis and reduce the risk of fractures.
Additionally, for some people, following the Mediterranean diet may be a way to lose weight without counting calories or limiting portion sizes.
A large 2018 study
Trusted Source found that males who followed the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of developing RA. And a 2018 review
Trusted Source suggests that the antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet may decrease pain for people with RA.
Plant-based diets may also help
Its believed that a person reach or maintain a moderate weight, which in turn can help with pain management
Source: Medical News Today