PHOTO NEWS: Hon-Elect,Dr. Ahmed Adam Saba (Ajiya Shonga), Others Paid Courtesy Visit To The Emir Of Shonga, Alhaji, Dr. Haliru Ndanusa Yahaya ✓✓ The Scoper Media 


   Hon. Elect, Ahmed Adam Saba (Ajiya Shonga), paid a courtesy visit to His Royal Highness Emir of Shonga Alhaji, Dr. Haliru Ndanusa Yahaya to appreciate him for his prayers, advises and fatherly role played during his political struggle.


   During the visit, His Royal Highness Emir of Shonga Alhaji. Dr, Haliru Ndanusa Yahaya pray for longitivity with sound health, success, God protection and good representation for Hon for the smooth running of his governance.


Hon (Dr) Ahmed Saba was accompanied by friends, well-wishers and party supporters .


Speaking during the visit, Hon. Saba specially appreciate the Emir’s unflinching support in all ramifications and maintained that the victory is for the benefit of everyone in the society. He then promised that by the Grace of Almighty Allah, he will fulfill all the promises.

Finally, Hon. Saba promised that everyone will be carried along and transparency will be his order of the day..

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