IFE CRISIS: Don’t Use Religion To Set Yoruba Land Ablaze- Iba Gani Adams √√ The Scoper Media 

    Aareonakakanfo of Yoruba land,
Iba Gani Abiodun Ige Adams has warned those behind the religious crisis in Ile-Ife to desist from acts that can set Yoruba land on fire, insisting Yoruba land will resist any attempt to denigrate the revered stool and palace of the Ooni of Ife.

Iba Adams was reacting to the crisis between the muslims and the traditional believers in Ile-Ife,saying the palace of the Ooni of Ife is the sacred heritage of the Yoruba.

Speaking in Amuwo-Odofin,Lagos at the “Harvest of Praise” which is the Day-8 programme of the ongoing Eledumare Festival,Aare Adams berated those fanning the embers of war to stop the idea or be ready to face the wrath of Yoruba ancestors.

“We are not going to fold our alms to see religion fanatics to cause religious crisis in Yoruba land.

“Both the muslims,christians and the traditional religion believers have been living together in peace in Ile-Ife for centuries without crisis.So, why are some people now using religion to fan the ember of crisis in Yoruba land.

“Ooni’s palace is our glass house,it is our heritage, nobody,no matter how highly placed in our society has the audacity to throw stone at the palace, which is the heritage of my race.

Adams also applauded the peaceful move embarked upon by the Ooni of Ife,Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, who, he said,handled the Ife crisis in a mature manner.

“By virtue of my position as the Aareonakakanfo of Yoruba land,it is my responsibility to defend the sacred stool and throne of the Ooni of Ife, because it is the sacred stool of all Yoruba and the heritage of all sons and daughters of Yoruba race.

Adams, while urging the youth to remain calm in order not to be used as a cannon fodder.

“I am appealing to the youth not to allow any religion fanatic to use them against their ancestors in Yoruba land.The youth should not be used as a cannon fodder to denigrate Yoruba tradition in Yoruba land.

“Ile Ife is sacred as the cradle of Yoruba land.It is the city of hope and abundance for Yoruba race.
The United States was not built on
religion.China becomes one of the leading economy in the world not because of religion but because they protect their heritage and tradition that make China the envy of the world economic super power.

The Yoruba generalissimo,also urged members of the Oodua People’s Congress (OPC )to use the various programmes of the ongoing Eledumare Festival to seek spiritual blessing, maintaining that Praise is the key to abundant blessings and favour.

He added that the 21-day programme of the Eledumare Festival is a spiritual journey that will turn Yoruba land around positively.

“We are using this programme to connect to God and it is my hope that God will always reward our efforts as we celebrate God with Praise.

Apart from members of the Oriade Local Government Area of the OPC, other guests present at the event include the Baale of Oluti,Amuwo Kuje,Chief Rasaq Bashir Busari, Prophet Peter Oyewole of the C and S,Ijedodo,Lagos, members of the Aareonakakanfo Chiefs in Council, members of the National Executive Council and National Coordinating Council NCC of the organization. .

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