My Stepson Came To My Husband’s Burial With Gunmen, Kidnapped His Corpse And Beat The Pastor – Widow ✓✓ The Scoper Media



   A United States-based woman from Ike Mgboko, Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State, Lady Blessing Ben Nwamkpa, who doubles as the widow of late Sir Benjamin Nwankpa, has narrated how her stepson came to her husband’s burial ground with gunmen in other to disrupt the event and kidnap her late husband’s corpse after exhuming his corpse at their hometown.

According to an exclusive interview with Punch Newspapers, which was posted on Saturday morning, the widow while narrating the incident recalled that while they were in United States, her stepson had warned everyone not to attend the burial service or else they would be killed or kidnapped.

While speaking about the incident, the widow narrated that prior to the burial ceremony, she wrote to the Nigerian army, the Rapid Response Team, the police, and the vigilantes to inform them of the supposed violence that might occur because of what her stepson had earlier said in the United States. However, when they were done with the ceremony and it was time to bury her husband, her stepson showed from nowhere with gunmen and they started shooting sporadically and in the process, they were able to exhume the corpse of her late husband and they whisked it away while also beating the pastor who was officiating the program mercilessly. The widow during the interview said, “My stepson came to my husband’s burial with gunmen, kidnapped his corpse and beat the pastor”.

Continuing speaking, the woman disclosed that the security agencies who were present at the burial ground didn’t do anything and she wondered whose orders they were following. “Together with the youths, he was able to exhume the corpse. This was as they were beginning to cover up the grave. I have video evidence of everything I am saying here and will provide them if the need arises”, she added.

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