Niger government cancels selection of Kontagora Emir Over Alleged Irregularities ~ The Scoper Media


     The Niger State Governor, Abubakar Bello, has cancelled the appointment of a new Emir of Kontagora, following a petition by 46 others contestants alleging irregularities in the selection process.

The governor also redeployed the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Abdulmalik Sarkin-Daji, who was accused of perpetrating the irregularities.

Earlier on Sunday, a Kaduna-based businessman, Mohammadu Barau-Mu’azu, was announced as the 7th Emir of Kontagora after he polled the majority votes from the electoral college and was reportedly selected by five kingmakers.

However, the announcement was greeted by protests from the other contestants who claimed that the exercise handled by Mr Sarkin-Daji, was shrouded in secrecy.

They said they were not given fair representation in the election/selection processes because the commissioner has a preferred candidate.

Mika Anache, a lawyer, wrote a petition on behalf of the 46 contestants to the governor, copying security agencies and others officials.

The petitioners “rejected the so-called selection process leading to the alleged election of whoever was said to have emerged as the winner of the said election as the 7th Sarkin Sudan of Kontagora allegedly held on 19th September, 2021

We write to reiterate the fact that failure on the part of the Electoral College, Government to afford contestants those opportunities has portrayed the whole exercise as a sham exercise and lacking legitimacy thereby making the whole exercise illegal and fraudulent,” the petitioners wrote.

Following the petition, the Secretary to the State Government, Ahmad Matane, said on Tuesday that “the aftermath of the election was followed by petition and misgivings.



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