Police Foil Attempt By Okada Riders To Vandalize BRT ~ The Scoper Media


Operatives of the Rapid Response Squad, RRS

have foiled attempt by okada riders to vandalise a BRT at Ile-Zik area, Mangoro, Lagos.

  The RRS, in a statement on its Facebook page said the incident occurred around 7.00pm on Saturday.

  The statement said an okada rider had run into a BRT and got knocked down, which led to other riders regrouping to vandalise the bus.

  “At about 7:50 p.m, today, along Cement – Ile-Zik, an Okada riders ran into a BRT bus while trying to manoeuver. In the process, the okada rider was knocked down.

   Other riders nearby mobilized to attack the BRT bus. For the swift response of RRS team, the BRT driver was rescued and the bus secured from being vandalized. The area is calm now.

  ”Meanwhile, our teams in Ketu and Mile 12 are intensifying patrol of the area and monitoring the traffic situation,” it said.




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