SPOUSAL ABUSE: A Social Problem With No Tribal Distinction In Nigeria + Photos ~ The Scoper Media


  Whenever we talk about domestic violence, we always focus on WOMEN as victims. Though violence against women has became a global concern. Studies have shown that globally domestic violence accounts for nearly one quarter of all recorded crimes.

  The fact that domestic violence prevails across all strata of the Nigerian society is no longer debatable, but domestic violence against men is now on increase. Family is the basic unit of all societies and the bedrock of every society is family and heads of families are now victim of domestic violence.

  Spousal abuse against MEN is on increase despite the fact that majority of the victims are silently cover themselves up so as to avoid stigmatization. Domestic violence research in Nigeria has not received appropriate attention. Little has been done by researchers, and the available research literatures on domestic violence are inadequate and dominated by foreign authors and researchers.

  No doubt, many women are violently treated by their intimate partners while suffer in silence. But there is need for paradigm shift in research in order to expose more higher on this phenomenon that has kept silent and suffering in silence by men than women.





  According to a Nigerian lady, Ugochukwu Ogbu as she advises men looking for wives “Women who disrespect, abuse and cheat on their men mostly come from broken homes.

  If you want to get married, investigate the family you want to marry from. How your potential mother-in-law treats her husband — your would be father-in-law — is how your woman will most certainly treat you in your marriage. A well bred African woman worships and submits to her husband and her husband loves her in return” She advises.

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