Talking to yourself in the third person can help control your emotions when you’re upset, news research suggests.

Psychological distance

For example, a man named tolu is upset about a recent romantic breakup. By reflecting on his feelings in the third person (“why you is upset”) he is better able to keep his emotions in check than if he uses the first person (“why am I upset”) according to the author.

  Essentially, we think referring to yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves more similar to think about how they think about others. and you can see evidence about this in the brain said Jason Moser, an associate professor of psychology.

” This helps people gain a tiny bit of psychological distance from their experiences which can often be useful for regulating emotions,”  he explained.

Brain scans show the benefits

For the study, volunteers went through two experiments. In one,  they underwent brain scans while reacting to images in both the first person and third person.  When reacting to disturbing image such as a man holding a gun to their heads,  their emotional brain activity decrease within a second when they’re referred to themselves in the third person.

In the second experiment, volunteers reflected on painful personal experiences using first and third-person languages. When they used third person talk. There was a fewer activity in the brain area involved in painful reflections. Suggesting that the language helped keep emotions in check.

The brain data suggests that third-person self-talk may be a relatively effortless form of emotion regulation. Said Ethan gross.

The Effect of self-talk

Talking to yourself can also be a good method of combat negative self-image. Negative self-esteem can also hurt your physical health. But to talk to yourself objectively, you can break the cycle of cripping self-image.



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