VIDEO! We Threw Oreoluwa Fatinoye & The House Help Inside The River After Lekan Brought The Idea’ -Suspect ✓✓ The Scoper Media


    Ahmed Adetola, one of the suspects involved in the gruesome murder of a couple, Mr. Kehinde Fatinoye, and his wife, Mrs. Bukola Fatinoye has revealed how they threw Oreoluwa Fatinoye and the house help inside a river in Abeokuta. Ahmed speaking in a police parade stated that Lekan Akanbi, the prime suspect brought the idea. 

He highlighted that Oreoluwa and the house help returned to the house on the new year day at around 4:00 am after Mr. And Mrs Fatinoye had already been murdered. He stated that Lekan didn’t want the murder to be traced to him and that is why he recommended that the House help and Oreoluwa should be thrown in the river. If you would recall that Oreoluwa and the House help were indeed thrown into a River in the Adigbe Obada area of Abeokuta. Unfortunately, Oreoluwa died but the House help survival gave express clue to the fact that Lekan Akanbi had staged the death of his boss. 

He said, ”After killing the couples, the Househelp and Oreoluwa also came back to the house. They didn’t know that we were in the house. They knocked on the living room door but nobody answered. So they went to pass through the backdoor. 

As they opened the kitchen door, Lekan used the gun to control then to the living room. We tied their hands and were clueless on what next to do. Lekan said he cannot let them live since they have seen his face. So he brought the idea that we should throw them into the river. We took them in the boot of the vehicle they brought to the house and threw their body in a river in Abeokuta.”

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